High End MF'ing Guide


Full Member
Linked this a long time ago, but it was deleted when diabloii.net forums lost all their back ups a while ago. It was expanded on and reposted a few months ago. I'd forgotten how much of a good read it is. It's not about the end bosses, it is about the 3 primary mf'ing areas for 1.10 - the Ancient Tunnels, the Mausoleum and (primarily) the Pit. If you aren't familiar with why these are good areas to be MF'ing its because they are the lvl 85 areas in acts 1 and 2. They can drop any item in the game in Hell lvl and are far easier than acts 3-5 areas.

One of the best guides I've read and well worth a read whatever you like playing.

The Definitive Guide to the Pit