Im here!


Full Member
Ive decied to give GW a try, ill be installing it soon and should be on tonight, anything i need to know about before i roll a tool?


Full Member
Welcome on board.

Fortunately you will be able to get used to the controls in a training area doing solo quests.

I have written a sticky game introduction for 'n00bs' :) which you may find useful. It's based on several mistakes I have made myself which prevented me from advancing quicker. Do the missions!!!!

If you post your character name here, or in the sticky roster thread I will invite you to the Guild ASAP.

Feel free to ask questions in Guild Chat when you are in.
If you don't get an immediate response it's because we are in peril or missed the message.


Full Member
Don't feel too bad about deleting the first character.
(I deleted mine after 50 hours because her name might be construed as offensive.)

Believe me you really DO want to pick up as many free skills as possible in the training area.

Ironic my Ra/Mo last night had to spend 2000 gold and 2 skill points on skills he should have picked up in that area. Grrrr.

If Me and Coalman seemed a little quiet in Guild chat last night, we were busy in cross country marches/quests last night. Takes some concentration.
It's not like you EVER lose 2+ hours in a few seconds in GW, but 20 minutes is bad enough.