Ipod Touch new update question


Hernes Son
My daughter has updated her ipod and itunes to the latest versions and is saying that she cant drag and drop music in itunes any more, she now has to drag the song to her library and then get it on the machine by syncing it.

I haven't updated anything so am still able to drag and drop to my iphone and have never used the sync function so am unsure about how to help her.

Is this correct? Have apple made the latest software so you HAVE to sync and can't drag and drop? I would be surprised if this were the case but as I haven't updated I cant answer her question. Anyone clue me up?


Full Member
I think that's right, sync now, when they added the wifi cable free (if you exclude the charging cable) syncing it can now do


Full Member
Not sure, I know I'm odd but I've always prefered sync to dragging, and used the tick boxes for songs/albums I want to sync, if I wasn't such a scrooge I'd buy the devices with more ram and not even have to do that. Though of late with Spotify and offline playlists I find myself using iTunes less and less, why bother owning it ?