Medium Armour


Full Member
As some of you might of noticed, I've been scrounging for hides.

Well, I'm close to mastering medium, and have even managed to obtain a few bits of sturdy.

Have also put bids on most of the dropped sturdy patterns. They are Level 21+ Medium. I guess I'll check out the light patterns too.

Depending on supply I am more than happy to knock out bits for the kin.

I guess a list of what I can make would be useful, will post one when I get chance.


Full Member
If you want hides I can send any I get - went Armoursmith on my Captain & have collected a few in case I make a char who can make use of them. I see that the crafting system in this game follows the same pattern as EQ2 started out with in that each trade needs something that is made by a different trade & they are not normally part of the profession you have picked e.g. Armoursmith needs boiled leather from a trade skill I don't have so will have to find from another source like the AH - just wish there where more AH & that I could work out which section to search for items in :)