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Trial Member
*** Return to Nektropos ***

- Groups of high-level players can experience one of our most popular zones in a whole new way: Nektropos Castle!
- Those who have defeated Maltus Everling will encounter an old elf outside of the Nektropos gates who is seeking their assistance. He knows a dark secret: that this cursed castle summoned forth the cursed souls that were once defeated within.
- Be warned, this is a much more challenging place than most level 50 zones. The opponents will be tougher, but the rewards will be great.
- Experience a linear storyline progression, defeat scripted encounters, hunt for keys to go deeper into the castle, and find lots of new high-end treasure.
- Like the original Castle Nektropos, this version is intended for a single group. But be warned, the Return to Nektropos will test the mettle of even the most seasoned adventurers.
