Mult-Boxing is bad!


Cartwheel RIGHT
The last few paragraphs are the best :)

It's called Multiboxing and no, its not bannable.

I hate multiboxing (also called dual-boxing if just 2 clients are involved) since I know the techniques used to do it. It usually involves the player either running multiple Wow clients on the same PC in multiple windows, or (more commonly) running multiple computers with each one running the Wow client.

Naturally, multiboxing requires multiple Wow account subscriptions, and that's why Blizzard love multiboxers. Gamemasters have even said they multibox themselves.

However, the techniques used, while Blizzard maintains they are legal, are very dodgy in my opinion. Most boxers use a program called KeyClone, which simulates keystrokes pressed on one keyboard to multiple other keyboards. So, for example, if I have 5 computers setup and all running Wow with KeyClone, if I press the number 1 key on my keyboard, that fires off a fireball spell on my mage but it also fires off a fireball spell on all the other 4 computers. So thanks to KeyClone, I can cast 5 fireball spells simultaneously with military precision. As such, I can one shot anything non-elite.

Amazingly, even though it's KeyClone that is pressing the keys on the other keyboards for you, Blizzard maintain that using KeyClone is not against the rules since the boxer needs to press the spell in the first place on the main computer. The fact that the keypress is then distributed to all other keyboards by a remote control program doesn't seem to sway them.

KeyClone isn't the only way of doing it, and in fact, if KeyClone was banned, there are hardware multiplexers available which do the same job but without leaving the software fingerprint. So it's impossible for Blizzard to know that the keystrokes aren't being done for the player (other than the fact they're all fired off together at exactly the same time).

Multiboxing can be used for levelling. On occasion, I've seen 3, 4 or 5 characters all of the same class running around, all single shotting anything that moves and annoying every player who is trying to kill them one by one. Most boxers will call their characters very similar names, often changing only one letter, such as Petera, Peterb, Peterc, etc. The reason that they do this is because it makes macros easier to create.

A boxers playing life revolves around keypress simulation and macros. It's as near to botting as you can get, but again, Blizz maintain it's fine as someone needs to physically control the host computer.

Boxers find it easy to solo 5 mans and heroics generally speaking (most of them at least) and some boxers even solo raids. I've seen 25 man boxers before now, with one player controlling 25 characters through keyboard multiplexers and macros, yet Blizzard still maintains this is all within the spirit of an MMORPG.

To me, it's totally against what an MMORPG should be about, which is that each player plays the role of a character, not hacks multiple clients together to get easy loot, like botters do.

Boxing generally isn't even looked into when reported, Blizz will just copy/paste the standard reply which is "thanks for reporting, however it sounds like the player is boxing, this is allowed, thanks bye". Reading between the lines "thanks for reporting, this player is paying for 5 wow accounts, you're paying for 1, beat it low-life, we support boxers."

However, Blizzard have taken exception on occasion and banned a few boxers, it does happen if Blizz feel that the boxer is taking things too far. I remember a boxer who was soloing 10 man raids and flooding the AH and becoming very, very rich. He was banned along with his 10 accounts.

A few weeks ago I saw someone boxing in a battleground. He had 4 shamans, all be controlled by one player. Or rather, the player was controlling one shaman, the other 3 were all on autofollow and their keypresses were being done virtually by KeyClone, which was retrieving keypress information from the host computer. So all the player had to do is press one key, just one, and 16 totems were instantly put down. Boom! Player presses one more key and 4 lightning bolts were fired off instantly, one shotting anyone.

Not a single group of people could manage that kind of military precision, but boxers can do it thanks to Blizzards slack attitude and greed. The shaman in question actually whispered me, asking me to give him the raid leader position so that he could manage his shaman collection better. I told him where to go, in so many four letter F words. I have no time for boxers, it's akin to cheating.

Sadly, just like gold selling, lots of people actually support boxers and dont have a problem with their style of "play". So I don't expect many to agree with my position.

But the way I see it, if you have true skill and social skills, as should be required in an MMORPG, you won't need to box. Rather, you'll get everything with those skills and social powers. You won't need to hook up 10 computers together just because you're so inferior you can't find a group.

Boxers generally have few friends, since they don't need them. They solo everything so they don't bother with guild raids or groups. They think only of themselves and their idea of skill is how complex their setup is, and how many keys they can get KeyClone to multiplex from a single keystroke, and how complex their macros are. They have no clue what it's like to wipe in a group because of individual players. If they wipe, they start playing with scripts not talking to others about strategy.

If you really want to stop boxing, make a post on the Wow forum (as well as this one) in the General section, stating your reasons. I did that not long back, but it got deleted. It included no bad language and didn't name any individual, yet it got deleted. I think Blizzards position - while they don't want to advertise boxing because too much of it would kill Wow, they certainly don't want to announce that their subs numbers have suddenly dropped either, and banning boxing would inevitably do just that.

If I was boxing this forum, when I click on Submit button below, my post would be submitted to 10 different forums all at the same time, just from me pressing 1 button physically and KeyClone simulating that button press to 9 other forums simultaneously. Amazingly, Blizzard doesn't see this as automation. You decide.



Full Member
they are always amusing.
i always love the idea that these 'pack of 5 shamans in a battleground' are held up to be some unkillable superforce, that totally imbalances the game. as though 5 normal players on vent couldnt do that? and wouldnt be much much much better at dealing with anything unusual (do you really want to cast 5 spells to finish off that guy on 2% hp? what do you do if 2 of the 5 die? how does one player split his chars over multiple flag locations?)...
i cba with multiboxing myself, but if people want to, i dont have a problem with it.


Full Member
"Player presses one more key and 4 lightning bolts were fired off instantly, one shotting anyone."

With no casting time? Cheats!

"I remember a boxer who was soloing 10 man raids and flooding the AH and becoming very, very rich. He was banned along with his 10 accounts."



Full Member
that'd be 2 keys! or at least 1 key twice. and theres probably a gcd so not instant.


Full Member
What happens when one of the shamen die? He wonders ramdanly around the graveyard constantly being told his 'target' is out of range I guess - easy kill :)