new starts for gnomes?


Full Member
consensus amongst the folks i've spoken to is, the videos nice - the voice over is a bag of hairy arse. generic bad guy speech, about nothing in particular, and half of it meaningless.
but the videos very pretty! :p


Full Member
I don't think i'll be lured back this time. I didn't really enjoy Lich King (dungeons to easy, tanks doing silly DPS while tanking, no CC etc...) much at all and aside from a brief 'scratch the itch' period at the being of the year, which lasted about 2 weeks I haven't really played it much for a while.


Full Member
consensus amongst the folks i've spoken to is, the videos nice - the voice over is a bag of hairy arse. generic bad guy speech, about nothing in particular, and half of it meaningless.
but the videos very pretty! :p

Keeps very true to the books, which I found quite nice. That fight is gonna be awesome!


Full Member
New starting area for GNOMES ? *ears prick up*

And goblins, and Worgen (which sound nice), the fact this is new races/new starting areas makes it sound more interesting, will see if Minecraft and Lego Universe (when it arrives) hold my attention


Full Member
They're supposedly bringing back difficult encounters and CC for the expansion.

But going back to the original world and only 5 levels and no new classes seems pretty uninspired stuff, isn't this supposed to be the last expansion - feels like they are starting to wind it down alittle maybe?

Maybe I'll give it a try sometime if it sounds good, but Lich King was so lacking once you hit 80. I still rate Burning Crusade as the best 'end game' period. Lich King did bring the cross server stuff which was nice though.


Full Member
doubt its the last expansion. need to take on the burning legion properly and kill Sargaras.


Hernes Son
Anyone getting problems from the new patch? Pre patch my comp the game ran at 60+fps an mostly full settings. Since the patch it seems I get lag spikes where the fps goes from 60 down to 40 then back up via all points in between. Also when I enter an instance like the Deadmines I get a screen freeze. if I can manage to get task manager up and quit game, then go back in immediately, Im back in the instance and it runs fine.


Professional Slacker
WoW is pulling in �100m every month so I doubt they're winding it down.

They do have another MMO in development though.


Full Member
Cataclysm blows up the old world I just read, now that has peaked my interest, if I can talk Talili into it I might just take a peek, account upgrades to the current expansion is only �8 each and if I read it right comes with 30 days. If nothing else it'll be fun logging in and selling everything I have to give the new gnome a good start :)

What races can Gnomes be now btw ? One thing I read said they can be any class now, another said only 5 classes


Full Member
Gnomes can't be Druids.

Gnomes can be druids with abilities to shapeshift into Koala bear, Kitten, Budgie (flying form) and Tadpole (water form).

Not to mention their Bonsai Tree healing form and Half-Moonkin form for Balance DPS.