Ninja-Looting FTW


Cartwheel RIGHT
Hilarious :)

Apaprently, the guild are a bunch of imbicilles, and whilst ninja'ing some stuff of that level should never be excused, or amusing, it just is some how :)


Your opinion is worthless....
i found that most Amusing :/ the guy Ninjaing was obviously a complete twat, and they made fun of him >.< but then again who cares it's WoW....


Full Member
i'm wondering why you say the guild are a bunch of imbeciles? i assume because its FFA loot? you have to do that on raid boss fights, its the safest way, as otherwise you get screwed over by bugs... you should be able to trust your guildies, i'm just happy that that person wont be able to play that char again.


Cartwheel RIGHT
Zeus said:
i'm wondering why you say the guild are a bunch of imbeciles
I'm not, i said they 'apparently' were.

Reading teh US forums where that was posted lead me to that conclusion. FFA loot for big bosses is really the only option untill then fix ML. (Apparently)


Full Member
ah right, ok :) i thought you meant apparently like "its apparent from this video that they are".


Retro RPGer
On a side note, that was an awfully bad Onyxia slaying, they were all over the place! :p

The guy certainly had "Issues".....


Full Member
Ahh big boss ninja looters then. There in every MMORPG and the only one which seems to be addressing such problems is DDO with it's chests looting system.

As far as that char never being played again, they normally aren't, they are normally sold on e-bay, a new account brought and there being zero long term repercussions for the player or a way of stopping it happening in the future :)

Since stopping playing WoW I've ninja'd some cold meat from the fridge and some peri-peri chicken marinade from the cupboard, which made a nice starter and main course. No dragons in the fridge or I would ninja that as well !!!! :D


Full Member
Gottaa said:
Ahh big boss ninja looters then. There in every MMORPG and the only one which seems to be addressing such problems is DDO with it's chests looting system.

As far as that char never being played again, they normally aren't, they are normally sold on e-bay, a new account brought and there being zero long term repercussions for the player or a way of stopping it happening in the future :)

Since stopping playing WoW I've ninja'd some cold meat from the fridge and some peri-peri chicken marinade from the cupboard, which made a nice starter and main course. No dragons in the fridge or I would ninja that as well !!!! :D

you say sold on ebay - so the people buy it on ebay, and then discover when they try to play their shiney lvl 60 char that the whole server hates them? rofl :p i bet they dont get much milage out of "But i only just bought this account...." either ;)
as i mentioned elsewhere, for me there *would* be long term repercussions. for one thing, theres links back to my eve corp and to here from my wow guild. for another, they know where i live. for a third, my brothers in the same guild :p wonder if other people are in similar situ's?


Full Member
well i do play warlock.... so.... :p
dammit! rumbled! :D (so long as the stupid ebayer doesnt notice i'm set... :D)


Full Member
The people that do this brains don't work in the same way though, if they do have a guild they feel they must be in it's either going to be a guild of people who also enjoy griefing others (and yes they do exist). And while I imagine anyone in CUK would not do such a thing and if they did it would have a long term impact others would just do what I said.

But for the kind of person that does this on purpose (and I've no idea if that's the case here as I'm still too lazy to fire up the PC) changing guilds or starting from level 1 is no big thing.

At the end of the day greed goes a long way with some people.


Cartwheel RIGHT
from what i can decipher there was some "You were mean to me so i did that to you" message inbetween all the taunting, gloating, and giggling inthe vid.

As to why peopel do it, hell, we con't even know why people Cry, Yawning being catching isn't even remotely understood, yet alone the drink to end all drinks, The Tequilla Suicide....

We have enough mysteries for today.