Own your own lighsaber!!!!


Full Member
"My Hyper-Realistic sabers can also come with a highly detailed, illustrated field manual, describing at length the concepts and functionality of such a weapon, if they did in fact exist. The field manual is easy to read, and is treated as a companion sci-fi booklet to complete the realism of the saber.

Weapons guides can be purchased alone. I make field manuals that come in printed booklet form, or hand written journals, aged and weathered to look like they were written by a Teacher who is passing down his knowledge to his pupil. The details of these journals can be specified to your desires, and can include character history, customized history and storyline, etc."

So very wrong!



Which means you can assume the role of your favourite character as you conduct fabulously immature battles around the home or office


Happily Deposed GM
Is it me or do the ones in some of pictures look a little too much like dildos ....

(Kittens link not the original)

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