PS3/360/Wii COD3 Comparison Video


Full Member

Shows the differences, though if I'm honest and at a quick glance I thought 360 looked better than PS3 (though 360 has been out longer/they know how to program/easier to program whatever)

Edit: Off topic but
Can Nintendo win the battle but not the war An interesting article which raises some points but also seems to be suggesting a console which sells less will win the war because that suits "hardcore" gamers ... /boggle

And interesting to see people think "hardcore" gamers know the industry the best, personally I reckon if the Wii does take off developers will develop more games for it to suit those people that enjoy it. If that doesn't include "hardcore" games then that doesn't make them any less of a "game" does it ? It feels like double standards are gonna creep in if the Wii does well :(


This is far from over. For instance Madden on the Wii is being well received both by the hardcore Madden players and be people who would never have dreamed of playing an American Football simulation in the past. Developers will sit up and take notice of that kind of thing if it turns into a trend.


Wearing pants, reluctantly.
Hard to tell as the image is too small, but it looks like the ps3 is using higher poly models. Hard to tell as it seems the gamma is set to around 3.