PS3 Launch


Full Member
In an odd twist of fate carpet shop owners awoke this morning to find queues of people outside wanting to buy "carpet you can watch outside", and tesco were all sold out of eggs "in seconds" of opening according to a trusted source, something to do with rolling them around a room.

At least all the effort Sony went to to make it's region-free/un-region locked PS3 illegal to sell to countries outside the one you are buying it in wasn't wasted though :D

P.S It's not confirmed as yet but supposedly Sony will be supporting Homebrew on the PS3 from Launch (I'd take it with a pinch of salt given how they treated homebrew on the PSP though)


Full Member
Doesn't the law which stopped Lik-Sang in it's tracks and other importers also apply to the PS3 ? I'm curious if people getting them will actually get anything or just a note from Customs and Excise saying "Thanks for the x-mas pressie".

Nice to see the usual craze though, I wonder if any die hard fans will do the same for the Wii that is region locked.


Cartwheel RIGHT
80,000 units for sale at launch? that sounds more like a hardware beta... i wodner how long untill the usual 'zOMG it burned down my dog' stories come out? :)

This guy is class :)
However, with only five games to choose from, I ended up purchasing Ridge Racer 7 and Gundam: Target in Sight - games which do not appeal to me, but were better than the other three.


Full Member
As if Sony would make a product which would overheat !!

Great quote though Chick, but is there really only five launch games ? What about that driving one people were raving about and something about assasins or shooting people.


Full Member
I guess though if nothing else they can watch a Blu-Ray movie before it looses the war and renders all Blu-Ray players useless :D (god I hope blu-ray fails)


Ranger of the North
The dirt track monster truck style driving game thingymebob was shown on TV yesterday and it looked like it was pushing out 10-15fps.

I'm sure eventually the console will be amazing but they all need to sort out their release days. You'd almost think that they do it purposely so the business men can make their dirty yen........


Cartwheel RIGHT
it is however filling alot of inches of newpapers and forums. ergo keeping interest higher than supply, ergo keeping people filling inches with regards to it.

their PR is awesome..... and free....


Full Member
Please note I fill inches on forums, and that isn't a good thing :p It also doesn't keep people interested in me, meaning I'm in more demand.

Any console launch is always the same, it's just a shame it's always the people that actually want the new gadget to use end up suffering (well there wallet does)

And 10-15 FPS, that's low isn't it ? Which is surprising as it's been built from the ground up for the PS3.


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
Gottaa said:
Please note I fill inches on forums, and that isn't a good thing :p It also doesn't keep people interested in me, meaning I'm in more demand.

Yes but the PS3 is an eagerly anticipated but of hardware while you're a chinchilla obsessed nintendo fanboii :)


Ranger of the North
Some unofficial figures.

Total PS3 Consoles Sold: 88,400 �20GB Model Sold: 33,800
�60GB Model Sold: 54,600

Biggest Selling Games �Ridge Racer 7: 30,300
�Gundam: Target In Sight: 30,000
�Resistance: 15,700


Full Member
So did they only have 88,400 allocated in the end ?

Can't wait to see how this homebrew thing goes for the PS3, and if the next PSP update unlocks it and allows homebrews on them again to go with the PS3


Cartwheel RIGHT
units sold: 88,400
games sold: 76,000


