

Might as well post it here too, in case anyone is interested :)


Smart Casual recruiting

We're currently looking to expand our raid roster to aid in our progress with Coliseum Heroics (2/5 down). The list correct as of 16/09/09 is:

Death Knight (DPS) 1
Druid (Feral) 1
Druid (Resto) 1
Priest (Disc) 1
Priest (Holy) 1
Shaman (Ele) 1
Warrior (DPS) 1

An up-to-date list of positions and progress is always available on our website at

Smart Casual

Smart Casual is a PVE guild formed in April 2009 from a core base of players from one of the longest running guilds on Ravencrest. We take our raiding seriously but aim to keep to a schedule that players with professional lives and family can attend. Our main goals are:

� To clear all available content, including hard modes and achievements, before it is superseded.

� To keep the raiding schedule achievable for people with real lives.

� To enjoy all aspects of the game, both raiding challenges and each other's company.


We keep to a lighter schedule than most hardcore guilds, but aim to make the most out of the hours we do have. To achieve this we concentrate on quality rather than quantity and our raiders are expected to perform to a high standard.

We raid 3 nights a week for up to 5 hours per night, from 19.45 - 00:00 server time (CET) on Tuesday and Thursday and from 19:15 - 23:30 on a Sunday. We expect members to regularly be available for at least 2 of the 3 raids per week.


The core founding principle of our guild is that it is run in a fair and transparent manner. This means that members will be invited to take an active part in setting guild policy and will be kept informed of the reasons behind any decisions that are made by the management.

Officers and other ranks in the guild have no special privileges above normal members. Their job is to represent and to serve the guild's members and any member can stand for officership in the elections which we hold every 6 months.

What do we expect from you?

We are looking for skilful players who are interested in pushing forward with heroics in Coliseum and beyond with our experienced team of raiders. You should be knowledgeable about your class and role, and able to make the most of your character's abilities and gear. We expect you to take the initiative in improving your performance, and also to be receptive to feedback and suggestions on how to play better. Of course you will always be prepared with flasks and food and ready at the dungeon in a timely fashion.

You should be willing to wipe on tough bosses without getting upset and instead look to contribute ideas and information to the raid leaders to aid in developing strategies and fixing mistakes. You should be the type of player that if you make a mistake you will analyse what went wrong and alter your play to avoid making it again. Certainly you should be very embarrassed to be caught standing in the fire.

And finally you should be a stable and mature individual who can fit in with our community. We have a group of players who in some cases have real life friendships lasting over a decade, and others who have known each other since day one of Warcraft, with everything from students to senior professionals represented.

How do I apply?

The application form can be found at . We look forward to hearing from you.


The Bastard Thats Grinding You Down
I really wish more of the EQ players had rolled on Terenas, yer missed over here bud :)