


Just watched it, its a decent film without being ott on being cheesy.


Full Member
Yeh apparently Spider-Man was released in America last Friday and made someting over 100 million dollars during the weekend.
Beating the record held by that annoying little git Harry Potter :)

At the end of the coming weekend they expect it to have already gone over 200 million dollars.
Of course the week after that it will make a LOT less money due to the release of a small film some people might have heard about, going by the name of Star Wars - Attack of the Clones :D

Don't think Spider-Man is released here until July though, even though Star Wars is released on May 16th the same as in america.


f00l Mebmer
well i watched it last thursday and again really really liked it,
its funny in parts and sticks ruffly to the comic, i was'nt to sure on green goblins custome but now i have seen it i really like it, and i love the parts where hes talking to Green goblin their done really well :)