Teaming up


Full Member
I'm muddled.

It's, sadly, a common state of affairs for me nowadays.

I've got Diablo 3, I've played through Normal, Nightmare and Hell solo, getting to level 60, then just started Inferno.

Having played solo through the game, I'm now happy enough I'm not too noob to be holding back teams and constantly dying/running back from checkpoints so feel I can team up without needing to be totally carried all the time. Although the elite packs with Arcane and Molten chains still usually cause me a whole world of pain . . .

So how do we team up in this game?

Assume I know nothing of how to do so. Because, honestly, I know nothing of how to do so :oops:

Missing playing Diablo and being shot in the back, so gimme a clue how ClankUKers can team uo again, ta muchly :)


Rogue Chimp
make sure you have people on friends lists. Then just jump into a game they are playing or arrange a game here....


Full Member
Also, running back to rejoin a group isn't a problem, as u just click their banner in town and u will be ported to where they are.


Your opinion is worthless....
you added me the other day mate, but until i hit 60 i wont be joining you, that's just death on a stick lol!

tried that the other night on a 10 witch doctor and joined legs and kaine, on their level 18's constant death.


Dead Again, I need a Rez
I dont mind anyone joining my games just remeber its my first playthough so dont skip ahead


Rogue Chimp
you cant. If people join your game you are limited to starting at what ever point you are at.


Full Member
Yup, so if u wanna team up but not skip any bits, make sure it's u that starts the game and get others to join up.