The secret world


Rogue Chimp
Back playing this gem with Sorontar amongst others. issue 7 has just been release bringing a bit of james bond to the game. (you give chase on snow mobiles across an open zone, people see you whilst they are doing their thing).

The story line for this issue though is probably my 2nd favourite arc in the game behind the story running through the 2nd egypt zone.

I cannot rate this game enough, total flexibility, no real levels, play with anyone on any server, and theres some pvp. ( even im running around in PvP occasionally)...

if you fancy a look let me know, ill send you a buddy key...

Think modern day Cthulhu, Vampire, mummy, bond, Indiana jones films all rolled into on big MMO....


Full Member
Very tempted to grab a copy of this, SWtOR is getting a bit stale for me now. Really enjoyed the beta runs and I've had a couple of free weekend instances.


Rogue Chimp
Soron and I have low level chars sat in the starter zone ready to help anyone out in terms of grouping and questing so come on in...


Full Member
I actually played this for a few months after it first came out. When all my friends moved on, so did I. I played a lot of PvP, but there were essentially only a few builds that could compete and people with high end gear totally blew you out of the water, so PvP only became frustrating.

I played a tank and eventually killing speed really slowed down until I got too impatient to play the char.

The storylines were great, the best I have ever seen in any game. But with a few nitpicks and without friends, it wasn't really fun anymore after a while.


Rogue Chimp
for those trying it out (again)

1. server doesnt matter. Everyone can team up.
2. Characters to add : irime, Thorontel, sorontar, Amastris, Zedanya and Sorons piccy above :)
3. When you do the crucible, its not clear. choose your first weapon, zone out, update the quest then go back in and pick your second....

Dara: I took a break - now im back in and just playing a couple hours max an evening with soron its been a lot of fun. The newer questions are even better than the initial story quests in the game. Ive been PVP'ing with Zedanya who is for the most part only in QL10 blue gear and badly set up but looking at DPS parsers im generally in the top 5 for damage in every pvp im played in, but im a glass canon so die lots too.... but i find it a giggle and a break from questing now and then ...


Audentes fortuna juvat
Just picked this up off steam, never read anything about it but really enjoyed my initial 2-3hrs play. Very different to any other game I played.


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
I bought this on steam for no good reason, I doubt I'll get chance to play it anytime soon. Damn you red wine.


Full Member
ok so its on steam atm for about �13... is it worth it? if i pay that, will i still need to buy premium stuff in game, or is 'proper' f2p after you pay for the game itself? (ie. do they sell cosmetics, or things that actually let you play the game properly?)


Rogue Chimp
The only thing you MAY choose to pay for in future would be the new DLC packs they add. (issues as they aare called)

The base game i believe gives you issues 1 - 4.

Then you would need to pay for 5 - 7. You dont need to buy these missions to 'finish' the game, they just add more story line and round out the major events that have been happening outside the games main arc.

So, it is F2P 90%. Nothing in the store is goign to give you an advantage over other people. There are some awesome outfits though. I particularly like the girly one with the demonic cod piece..... Sorontar winces when i put that on.


Full Member
that sounds pretty good then. i'll get it, but i wont have much time to play in the near future due to this whole 'moving house' thing i'm meant to be getting ready for... :p


Full Member
does faction matter at all? or is it just for storyline?

also, i assume i can change clothes later, or am i stuck with the rather fetching red bra and panties with an open leather jacket over to keep my shoulders warm? :p


Rogue Chimp
Faction doesnt matter, although Sorontar and I are in a Templar only guild and only have templar characters... :)

Clothing, you earn lots and lots


Hernes Son
Is there a demo available anywhere? Think I might have tried this a while back but can't remember how it runs on my comp.


Full Member
Faction doesnt matter, although Sorontar and I are in a Templar only guild and only have templar characters... :)

Clothing, you earn lots and lots

was thinking i'd probably go templar anyway, though its close between them and illuminati.


Rogue Chimp
I can send you a buddy key to test it before buying if you like... just drop me your email addy.


Rogue Chimp
Last night Sorontar and me ran Pit through Polaris...

Good giggle, shame Pit wasnt on voice as his exclamation on the group chat at times was ace. If anyone else needs a group to take them through dungones give us a shout: Caveat we think we can do all the normal dungeons but wouldnt be able to do elites as anything more than QL10 geared characters...