The secret world


Rogue Chimp
Depends. some are quick. some are multistage affairs and other require lots of investigation (or reading stuff on google)


Ye Olde Twerp
I'm playing this too, have been since release. I have a low level toon lurking in Kingsmouth ready to help out anyone who needs it. I have another toon who's finished the main storyline.


Full Member
Faction doesnt matter, although Sorontar and I are in a Templar only guild and only have templar characters... :)

I'm in the same guild, it's a active guild with both starting and end game content being played (Nightmare dungeons every night, raids a couple times a week) and the Templar storyline is really interesting/solid.

Play a Templar :p


Full Member
I played a Templar, too. I think I stopped playing directly after reaching the desert. I had a problem that a lot of the quests were too horror for me, which meant I could not sleep well if I played too late into the night. ;-)


Full Member
Still playing and enjoying. Have yet to master a decent healing build though but the mix of investigation and stealth missions into the usual 'kill x number of nasty things' grind make things a lot more interesting. Can see this one lasting a good long while.


Rogue Chimp
the problem with healing is technically you dont need it to do the main content, and healing in a solo build reduces your dps making it take longer to kill stuff..

But the best direct healing is blood / Fist. This is probably what your aiming for mid game (Blue mountain & early egypt)
Surgical Steel
Blood Shield
Angelic Aegis
The Scarlet Arts

Hot Iron
Healing Sparks
Out of the Woods (Elite Passive)
Brawler (Hammer 1 AP passive)
Rapid Shield
Angel�s Touch

Glyph for Crit rating (aim for 700-800), Crit Power (400-500) dont bother with penetration, you not goign to be hitting stuff, and heal rating instead of attack rating. But with this build you wont solo anything, its a pure heal/support role.

oh and yes there is a spare passive slot. You can slot it with anything that will boost your healing sensibly.


Full Member
Cheers Zed, sounds like I'm gonna be lugging 2 sets of gear round if I fancy healing dungeons (which I do). Had an awful run last night that I'm still narked at!


Full Member
Full group in Polaris, Corwin tanking. The other group members seemed to have higher grear ratings - up to Q10. I was fine to a point keeping Corwin's health up on the main boss but things got more than a bit hairy when I had to switch over to a DPS or (more importantly) myself.
I could be snide and say that there were more than a few times where they didn't pick the adds off quick enough and I was getting pummled but in the main the issue was with my healing.


Rogue Chimp
The group probably wasnt coordinated either. As you saw 2 QL10 geared plus you can romp through Polaris no problem. sounds like a lack of coordination with people not understanding their roles properly...

Deeps need to take on adds. My leech build means i can switch to adds and still keep Sorontar up on health without missing a beat.


Full Member
Interesting. I ran a pvp scenario with my newbie alt and I was cut down in under 5 seconds every time someone hit me. I hit for a good 100 damage, they hit for 800 to 1200. Heh. Just like I remember it. ;-)

That and the Illuminati owned the whole map of Fusang, every time we took a respawn point it was back to Illuminati in 2 minutes. Attacking anything else was a waste of time because they rolled over us like a tidal wave. Guess I can rule out pvp. ;-)


Rogue Chimp
PVP is a lot about gear. One of my characters can generally hold its own in pvp - i hit for around 800 - 1000 :) but i can still get cut down in seconds....

you really need blue ql10 gear to pvp sensibly.


Full Member
I have purple QL10 PVP weapons on my main (Tank) and green QL10 PVE everything else.

Did not feel like playing the char though, so I played the Healer/DPS. Assault Rifle and Elemental or was it Electricity or something? Anyway, I was planning to go Assault Rifle / Blood with the char. Still a newbie char, can only wear QL2 stuff.

I used to get a decent exp boost doing pvp with my main, but it seems like things cooled down a lot in PVP and there is no real way to fight competitive with a new char. I remember back when I first played, complaining about hitting people for 200 and they hitting me for 500. The ratio has deteriorated even further in the meantime. ;)