Trade Skills - Who is doing what? [sticky?]


Full Member
Yeah, Click on your EQ2 button (square, bottom left on screen), click on SOCIETIES... look at the list of societies... choose the one you are still joined to in Freeport.... then click LEAVE SOCIETY.... done


Ahh didn't know that. Mosil has no home in Qeynos either cos I never relinquished the one in Freeport and I've read i'm screwed with that due to a bug which means I can't get a home in Qeynos until they fix it. Not sure what advantage there is really though.


Full Member
Now 22 Tailor - Can make leather hats and cloth caps now which are not too shabby (also gloves for both).
In dire need of belladonna as both the tailor and the alchemist use them.
So if you have any you don't need, it would be much appreciated.