UBRS Owned


Cartwheel RIGHT
1 hour 22 mins, all inc.
managed to kill Flight too.*
grats to participants, a most excellent night.

twice if you count pulling 2/3 of lbrs onto him


Full Member
I've got a few quests in the higher instances now atm only 1 or 2 quests per - how long would they generally take to do? eg one that springs to mind is a quest for a dagger that gives mana over time in dire maul, I've been under the impressions it takes 4 hours + to do these (going by past experience of doing only 2 instances, deadmines and gnomergen) and what people have said before, was the above not 5 man ?


Cartwheel RIGHT
That was a 15 man charge.....
The amout of time you spend in an instance depends on what you are trying to achieve. They seem to have designed things fairly cleverly so you can do them in bits of 1.5+ hours in a kind of precision strike, or hammer out the whole thing in about 4 hours max.

IIRC dire-maul is only an hour or so per side. it's hard, but designed to be fairly casual.