Valkyria Chronicles


Ranger of the North
Has anyone got this over-looked little gem?

Its basically a story driven stratey/RPG game. It uses an overhead map of an area, containing yours and your enemies units, to give you a basic idea of what is going on.

You recieve a certain amount of CP points per turn and each unit uses different amounts, a tank 2 points, infantry 1 for example. When you want to move a unit though it zooms into a lovely third person view and you move the unit from there.

Movement and actions use a point bar that depletes as you move around. Enemies will respond if you wander into their line of fire etc and once the bar runs out that unit stops and it zooms back to the over-head map. You can keep forcing a unit to move more than once per turn but each time its point bar is lower.

Its starts off slow but gets very tactical later on. You gain xp and money from battle that allows you to upgrade units and weapons/armour. There is a type of faction system where some characters gain bonuses (or weaknesses) for fighting alongside other characters.

They also have little characteristics. For example a country born character fights at a lower potential in a city environment. There is a very butch character called Jan. She gains bonuses for fighting alongside women.

Its got all of the usual quirky Japanese stuff. Big tanks, wide eyed girls, ludicrous story and dialogue, big busted enemy witch etc. It is quite story driven. There are quite a lot of cutscenes but they are all generally quite short.

Lovely graphics.

Only down point so far is that on occasion the enemy AI could have won a battle but chose not to and does some odd things.

I think shopto had it for �20 recently.


Full Member
This sounds a real great game. The first PS3 exclusive that I really, really want to play, much better than The Last Remnate which is dire.