Warning cd and dvd copy protection could harm your system.


One is not Amused
Just having a bimble about the net and bumped into these pages about sony and ubisoft amongst others.
The sony one seems really nasty if not downright against the law.

The ubisoft one is similar but is that badly written it can knacker your dvd cd drives up.

I had the starforce one on my games machine but I must have been lucky , I didnt have the sony one on either.

This all may be old hat to those of you who keep up to date with this stuff but it was brand new to me today.
Anyway just thought Id share .

Oh and this is the sony implications for warcraft and other game hacks.


Full of PvP Goodness
microsoft have a remove facility for teh sony one

it made the news a few months ago


Full Member
The sony one I thought had offically been removed by Sony, although you can still pickup CD's with this pony protection on it.

IMHO Protection or security which does any possible harm to the person who actually pays for something only encourages people not to pay. Was nothing wrong with the Steam system once they ironed the starting issues with it out.


One is not Amused
As it Turned out Kami had a "broken" DVD drive that started working again afater he removed this crap.


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
I've had similar problems with Starforce.

I've removed it and I haven't had any system lockups due to "cdrom timeouts" since. Pile of shite.