What do you want from a MMOPRG?


MMO Pimp and Alt Master
Ok, this may seem abit wired, but what would you want from a perfect MMORPG.

I am not talking about graphics/gameplay issues, more along the lines of support, server bandwidth. What do you think about public appointed game guides etc

Tell me what you think and why would be good :)




MMO Pimp and Alt Master
an update ...

I said I would post back when I had some more information, well I have .....

Subject to confirming afew package issues and signing the paperwork I will be the Operations Manager for a soon to be released MMORGP :) This will cover all areas of the server setup, configuration and bandwidth as well as all of customer support.

Needless to say I will be abit busy (what with that and a new baby due any day now) so I will not be around much, however if you want some more information etc or have some good advice then please email me.

BTW is there any chance of getting a new thread for a MMORPG called Dragons Empire from Codemasters !?!??!?!?!


Full Member
"Are you an experienced MMORPG player?" yes/no
hmm.... well, i played UO - does that count?? and i play several other games with lots of players but they arnt really RP ones... i think i'll have to say no. You'd best not discriminate against the inexperienced!! anyway, you need inexperienced people to see how intuitive and easy to get your head round it is.... :)