What you know


Rogue Chimp
As the party are all around lvl 6 you are well established and of course good friends for the most part. This is what you know of each other. Feel free to add character descriptions etc:

First up is the Half Orc barbarian (Kegs) - A fearsome warrior in battle and oft prone to Rage where his huge 7ft greatsword dances a mad dance of death burning, slicing and decapitating all that stand in his way. Strong, nimble but ugly are word you use to describe him. Moderate of intelligence but definately not quick witted!. You could almost say you wind him up, point him in the direction of the enemies and let him go. He wears a Chainmail shirt.

Second is Siggni (Cull) a female barbarian of the western steppes. She wields axes with cunning and prowess, in fact she is a veritable armoury of axes - battleaxe, hand axe, throwing axe. All are used with equal skill and prowess. Unlike the half orc though she shows cunning and intelligence, using her inner rage with skill and tactics. Like the half orc Siggni favours a chain shirt over long leather (manly some joke, often to their regret) trousers. (Class Barbarian)

Third is the elf. [Raving] Charismatic and glorious where the half orc is strong and ugly. Fast and deadly with his bow. The bow itself is a wonder, carved from some large forest beast and etched in runes it requires strength to pull. (mighty composite longbow)
When the battle comes close or the elf runs short of arrows he uses his silvered longsword to some effect, though not as well as he uses the bow, unleashing a torrent of arrows on the foe before they come close. On top of that he weilds arcance magics, though only low in power compared to many pure mages they will soon grow and help him unlock the power of his bow (Arcane Archer) (Class - Fighter / Sorceror - with Arcane Archer as goal)

[The following are being worked on this week]

Four is the Mad Cleric. [Piper] Mad, clearly mad, he has given himself to his God, calling down evil on those around him, smiting them, crushing undead with a manic intensity you find hard to control. Yet he is always ready with the Gods blessings of health and strength. [Class - Cleric]

Five - Small, yet sdtrong in power - the diminuative Gnome druid. At one with nature [And mulled wine] It has taken you over two years to tame him. Oft he remains feral and bites without warning transforming into a feral wolf. [CLass Driud]

Six - The Half orc Rogue. [Medman] Quiet, calculating, nimble. Light on his feet and deadly with his rapier. He uses the shadows and the dark to strike his enemy where he least suspects [CLass ROgue]

Seven - last but not least [Entropy]. The half orc mage with a penchance for fighting dirty. When his spells run dry he bites, kicks, gores using anything that comes to hand. Fearsome yet intelligence lies behind the eyes. He is often buried deep in a book or wrestling with a local in an inn. Fiercly loyal and the brother of [Kegs]


If I remember right Siggni is From the land of the snow and Ice? (Schnai or Fruzti tribes in Grayhawk, if thats where we are). She wears a wolf or bearskin over her mail and has hairy sealskin leggings strapped round her calfs which pong slightly in the mid day sun but really come in to their own when wet. Wears her hair braided and looks like a russian shot-putter. She has a sutton hoo type pot helm with Eye/cheek guards - very better make than the rest of her gear (obviously pillaged at some point) And a Round Wooden shield with the image of a raven on it. ( Her full name is Siggni Gottredsdottir, and her father is a well known sea wolf called Gottred Hrafn - Gottred The Raven)


Full Member
Zed said:

Seven - last but not least [Entropy]. The half orc mage with a penchance for fighting dirty. When his spells run dry he bites, kicks, gores using anything that comes to hand. Fearsome yet intelligence lies behind the eyes. He is often buried deep in a book or wrestling with a local in an inn. Fiercly loyal and the brother of [Kegs]

Thanks Zed, do I need to create a character sheet or anything, or do we just role play?


Rogue Chimp
Medivac sorry get confused easily. BTW you are supposed to be a helf elf so unless you desperately fancy the half orc (had them on the brain) ill switch you to Half elf..


entropy just roleplay atm. Ill get a summary sheet for characters up but tbh ill run most of the dice stuff anyways and look more from you lot for the story input and descriptive narrative.

oh and finally - looking at the posts (great!!) i see your now coming at things from a never met before situation. Thats okay if you want to play it that way - in which case id suggest the following:

2 half orc brothers + nutty cleric are comrades

siggi, gnome, half elf and raving are a group.

More on charactrers tomorrow i promise, just got back from a 400 mile round drive ..