Whos still plays? got some runes to spare

Not really playing atm since im on SWG and bit busy in RL so got some runes to spare. Dont be greedy though and say ALL OF IT !

50 ish Ist's
20 odd Guls
Few Vex
Ohm or 2, cant remeber
few Jahs and Bers
no Zods or Chams any more.

Most of it is traded except probably 15 ists, some Guls and a Jah and Ber so fair warning. CUK members only (open forum)


Onward to WoW
if you still have some left any chance of a couple of each please :)
i wont be on till the week-end now anyway,earliest Friday night :)


Flacid Member
Well, In an ideal world I wouldn't mind the following:

Chaos claws: Fal + Ohm + Um
and either Enigma: Jah + Ith + Ber or Chains of Honor: Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
Than again, Ice looks nice: Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo

But I only play now and then also due to an incursion of real life :)

Maybe a New Year Resolution to play more ;)


Prophet of 1337
I'd like some Ists... But are you guys on the European server? I'm on USEAst ><
As ive only got a few HR's (high runes) which is Jah's and Ber's, 8 Ists can be traded for them on the forums or on trade channel. I'd advise using the the b.net trade forum. Its actually quite good. Its where i traded alot and never had any issues with scams or something.

If you do trade for a high rune, make sure you keep it on a char you dont use much till you cube it or socket it as it might go ''poof'' on you.


Mistress of Forums
*smiles* know what you mean Burgs, never got round to making a ladder char as not able to play that much. Ach well /shrug


Flacid Member
Sure. In decreasing value:

2 * Jah
2 * Ber
1 * Lo
1 * Ohm
1 * Ist
2 * Um
1 * Fal

But that's probably being greedy :). 1 Jah and 1 Lo would probably do at a pinch!

Pif, dont have either a Ohm or Lo m8. thought i had an Ohm or 2, guess not :(

Lo is worth 3 ist
Ohm is 6 ist
Prices from about 6-8 weeks ago. I can give you 9 ist if you want to trade. Im not giving you a Fal rune lol, go find one. Dont have one anyway :)


Flacid Member
Thanks - probably best to give ISTs to those that need them first though :)

When do you want to do this?

Gotta find one of the CD's to install it. If need be i'll give one of you guys acct info to the 2 accts of runes and deal them out.