Xfm: O'Connell's moving to Virgin Radio


The Bastard Thats Grinding You Down
umm, so change the station?

tho Virgin been shite since Nick Abbot left, luckily he turned up on Real Radio a couple years later.

Caller - *could you call John Major a wanker?*
Nick - *no, under no circumstances could i call John Major a wanker, if i called John Major a wanker it would show a great lack in professionalism, and by calling Jogn Major a wanker it would lower the tone of this show, even if i thought John Major was a wanker it would be unseemly of me to state that he was a wanker on a publicly broadcast rardio show and therefore i cannot and will not state that John Major is wanker, even if he is.*


I'll bet Virgin change his playlist tho. The reason I listen to hiw show atm is 'cos he actually plays decent music, not boppy chart bollocks.