You can equip more than one Capture Signet


Full Member
Obvious perhaps, and Taz will be surprised I mention it as he had two equipped yesterday.

However, I seem unable to remember this! So this is a note to self, and for info to others.

I just ran Wossname thru to Glint with only ONE capture signet equipped.
I got the necro elite skill, but will have to do this again for the warrior one, and Glint herself.

You could end the mission with FOUR elite skills equipped (including the one you started with). For normal play you will only be able to equip one elite skill tho (plus capture signets).


Edit: Glint NOT Grenth u n00b ;)
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Full Member
I just managed this with Dark Swan in the Dragon's Lair.
Went in with 3 Capture Signets (and no elite equipped).

Did 2 captures in mission. Both were usable during the mission.

As soon as I got to Droknar's Forge, only the leftmost elite and the unused Capture Signet remained on my skill bar, the other position being empty. I.E. I had ONE elite skill equipped.