360 - Left 4 Dead - Sunday


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So, who's up for a game or 12 on Sunday ?

If there are more than 4, another group can form up and have some fun (or can they join the current game as zombies and we all swap around ? that would be a giggle as well)

I'll be around till 4-5pm with some time off to eat, and start the roast dinner.

Probably best we pick a rough start time as well, so we have a target, and if people aren't around people don't just sit around waiting


Stupid is as stupid does
I'm moving house in a couple of weeks so I've banned myself from buying video games otherwise I'll never get packed :(


Stupid is as stupid does
I've got Tom on auto-ignore - I automatically disregard everything he ever says.

It saves time and its consistently the right thing to do :D


Full Member
I'm up for a few games sunday, any time after 1ish is good for me.

And isn't there a versus mode 4v4 or something?
Anyone tried the zombie aspect yet? I'm intrigued as to how it's implemented. Surely you could just have 4 players pick tank, meet up together, and annihilate the human team? :p


Full Member
Aye, you basically form a group of 8 people from what I hear, and it then moves you all around so you all get some zombie time and some survivor time :) we'll do this if more than 4 people make it.

*pokes the people who said they would be getting it on the 360*


Full Member
Not sure when I'll next get new games for the 360 :(

fallout 3 & L4D are on my Christmas list tho.....by then u will have moved on tho Gottaa :D


Full Member
Anyone tried the zombie aspect yet? I'm intrigued as to how it's implemented. Surely you could just have 4 players pick tank, meet up together, and annihilate the human team? :p

The 4 players on the zombie side get a random zombie type selected for them at the start (The vomit one, the tongue one, the hunter one and maybe another type) when they die they'll get another one again randomly assigned to them. Some point during the course of the game one of those 4 zombie players will randomly get the to be the 'Tank' however there can only ever be one tank per go though and the witch is unplayable.

I'm going to rent this first I think, I liked the demo but i'm not sure just how much more the full game is going to offer.


Dead Again, I need a Rez
Versus Mode its bloody awesome, I was up all night playing it!!

I found myself cackling loudly as I watched the chaos I had coursed.

Each side gets a chance to play both infected and survivors, the survivors get scored on how far they get on the map before dieing, if they make it to the end of the lvl then the get points for how much health they all had left and if they all made it etc. After they all die or get to the end, the game swaps everyone around for that map. After both sides have played as the survivors it moves onto the next map in the campaign.

The infected get points for the amount of attacks they do to survivors, or assisted attacks from the npc infected.

The AI Director chooses which monster you will spawn as, and there cant me more that a certain number of some classes. The Tank doesnt spawn often but your told if you will be spawning as it and everyone gets a change to play him. He spawns randomly around the level, you dont get to choose where, also he has a frustration metre if you dont get into combat soon you loose control of him, its a way to stop players hiding him somewhere. As the other infected you spawn ontop of the survivors as a ghost you then have to go find somewhere to hide that's out of sight and not to close to them before you can come into the game. You can see the survivors at all times as they have a green, yellow, red glow around them depending on there health status. Only time you cant see them is if there standing still with there flashlight off. There are points around the map that let you climb up walls, drainpipes etc. All the bosses make a sound so they know your near to them. The only one that doesnt is the Hunter he only makes a noise when you crouch to charge up your pounce attack. Playing the Hunter is very twitchy as you can pounce all over the place, think of playing the Alien in Aliens Vs Predator

Playing as the boomer you don't last long, once they see you your pritty much dead. One time as a Boomer I got x50 assisted hits from one Puke attack on a player cuz of the crowd of zombies that came running at him :D

I was playing the tank on the hospital roof, and won the match, one guy I was going after backed away and slipped off the edge and was left hanging on the ledge so I turned my attention to the others. I was able to throw them off the building with my hits, god that was so funny. As the round was ending I kept trying to knock of the last man who was left hanging but with all the excitement I fell of the building lol.

Some people on the Steam forums say the PC and Console versions play differently, and they seem to prefer the PC version, they didn't really explain why.


Ranger of the North
I'll have it for Sunday mate and will probably leave the 360 logged in most of the day.

Probably be around Saturday as well (and Friday night :)).


Full Member
That's all really good news Dart, I'd imagine it plays different mainly due to the keyboard/mouse interface, you could be much more jerky with a mouse and quickly look around all panicky like, while on the console it wouldn't feel quite so jerky (if it did you then wouldn't be able to aim properly)

Looking forward to Sunday :)


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