

Rogue Chimp
So its all very quiet on the 40K front. People still playing? Enjoying it? Burnt out?

Whilst i'd been concentrating on painting a flames of war Gepanzerte SS-Panzergrenadier Company and divisional support ive picked up 40K at the club again and will be embarking upon a league from next monday with a 1,000 and 1,500pt Nid list and a seperate DA/Deathwing list (Belial needs to be shown)

we ran a 40K Apoc game as well a couple of Sundays back. 7 of us, 32K total points across Law and Chaos with Law narrowly winning out (i still have 2.5K of nids in reserve to play as i came in very late)

if anyone fancies travellign to Kent, we should be doing another APOC game on a Sunday in Early / Mid November!



PVC Love God
Mostly I'm playing WFB and Warmachine these days (I don't currently even have an assembled 40k army...).

A bunch of guys at work have decided that they'd like to try painting toy soldiers so my dining room table has become home to seven different armies at various stages of completion.


f00l Mebmer
got about 2.5K of space wolves, all built and almost all painted! still need a few more things before i am happy, happier with the painting though! just thinking what my next army will be! i think i am moving to hordes!


Full Member
Mainly been decorating and setting up for/looking after chickens :)

The orks will be getting an outing soon though I hope. Now the iPhone project at work is submitted to apple I have abit more free time on my hand


Rogue Chimp
Cool I expanded my Tyranids and they currently sit at 5,990points if i do bits and pieces of proxying. I still need 1X hive guard, 1 X Trygon/Prime (magentized jobby) probably 1 or more tyrant guard and im done.

I have 5 spore pods which technically need something done with them but for now i cannot be assed. The one i tried peeled off due to the injeciton moulded plastics they used for the toy. hehe


Full Member
still building up my blood angels... not sure how many points it is at the moment, about 3k maybe?
just adding it up actually....
1.7k of HQ (obviously cant use all of it at once. some of it could go into other sections, like the reclusiarch could be elite or troops... actually thats about it.)
~1000 of elites (including a land raider)
~1250 of troops (half of which is a 9man death company and DC Dreadnaught)
~500 of fast
~1000 of heavy.
in terms of usable army, i can get all of it in an army except one of the heavys and a bunch of the HQ.

still to assemble/paint i have...
10-12 terminators (inc. 5 assault, and 5 from the black reach set. not assembled yet due to me being indecisive about weapons.)
scout squad (dont see me ever using it, so havnt bothered :p)
Furioso (well, ironclad) dreadnaught.
10-15 more assault marines - likely to be a bunch of special weapons, veterans, and a sargeant/captain with lightning claws if i can find some nice ones. i want ones with claws-as-fingers, like the chaos termy lord...
5 sanguinary guard
5 death company (undecided on how to equip them... tempted by a squad with no jump packs that runs out of a deep striking redeemer at people... :p)
10 tactical marines (the ones from black reach)

things i need to buy/make...
-sanguinary priests. i have 1 w/jump pack atm, i need 1 in termy armour, and one on foot.
-terminator chaplain and power-armoury-non-JP chaplain (for the aforementioned land raider redeemer death company squad).
-land raider redeemer :p
-stormraven dropship (currently made one out of lego, but they should be releasing the model for these early next year, with the grey knights.)

really though, i'm just planning to finish the stuff i've got in progress, and then get a dark eldar army, as they are looking *lovely*.

Zed, have you looked at any of the 40K RPG stuff? trying to talk one of my mates into running a Deathwatch campaign for me :p


Hairier than thou
I have a copy of deathwatch infront of me now actually, great game with the right GM and some skilled players, suffers a bit with poorer players though as the rp between the marines is a very important factor in a sucessfull game. I even found some rather good rules for salamnders online too :)

As for 40K the sons of vulkan are still about but I have not had the time or inclination to do terribly large amounts of painting lately, shall have to pull my finger out, I also owe you bunch some pictures too so I shall at the very least get some of them done this week for you.

Pity you dont like scouts though, my ten man scout squad with nothing but sniper rifles, cloaks and homing beacon are one of my fvourite units, and can kill almost anything, not to mention the call in big brother option (10 thunder terms).


Full Member
Just finished trying out the new 8th ed rules for WFB and have started painting a skaven army.... which has a scary amount of ratmen involved, I thought a horde of Nids was bad, but the skaven make them look like a small force of skirmishers.

Not abandoned 40k though, I have quite a sizable force of daemons now which i've been fielding lately, though having seen the new Dark Eldar models (which i'm really impressed with) i've decided to give them a go, mostly as a painting project to start with since i've not painted such a dark colour scheme before (still not 100% sure of what i'm going to do with them). With Grey Knights on the horizon for next year and the Necrons arriving as well it could get busy next year on the 40K front.

I also attended my first Gamesday which was quite an experience, never seen so many wargamers in one place before... the Forgeworld store could probably have been described as life threatening with the crush to get at all the new shiny resin goodness.

I'll post some pics of my latest models when i get the chance.


Full Member
I have a copy of deathwatch infront of me now actually, great game with the right GM and some skilled players, suffers a bit with poorer players though as the rp between the marines is a very important factor in a sucessfull game. I even found some rather good rules for salamnders online too :)

As for 40K the sons of vulkan are still about but I have not had the time or inclination to do terribly large amounts of painting lately, shall have to pull my finger out, I also owe you bunch some pictures too so I shall at the very least get some of them done this week for you.

Pity you dont like scouts though, my ten man scout squad with nothing but sniper rifles, cloaks and homing beacon are one of my fvourite units, and can kill almost anything, not to mention the call in big brother option (10 thunder terms).
yeah, they're not bad, and i do mean to use them more. i just have terrible luck whenever i've tried them :p


Rogue Chimp
Nope not played the RPG. TBH its hard enoug hgetting people to play something other than dnd4e, Deathwatch might work at the club once we get some more members as its at least 40K themed ;-)


Rogue Chimp
heres a snap shot (poor picture) of my deathwing.

Since i took this ive added a dw coloured dread as well as the standard DA ones. I think i still have an assault squad and at least 1 if not 2 more standard squads to do but theres only so much bonewhite you can paint before you get jaded (especially since my Nids are also bonewhite! urg)


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Full Member
That Deathwing force is really looking good, i'm looking forward to seeing some pics of it in action.


Rogue Chimp
We had our first club league games last night.

I faced off against space wolves! I had expected to be totally tabled, but i held on for a draw at game end on Turn 4. (We had run out of time)

The best bits for me: Turn 2. Doom of malantai sported onto the table and killed an entire devastator squad with its aura before the Broodlord and 5 stealers mopped up the rune priest.

Downside: Tervigon spent itself on turn 1 after only spurting out 10 termagants. Damn thing.

The warriors were wasted i think. I should probably have left the Gants to hold objectives whilst advancing the warriors forwards.

Anyway 1,000pt list here:

1000 Pts - Tyranids Roster

2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Claws & Teeth; Hardened Carapace; Impaler Cannon; Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk)

5 Tyranid Warrior Brood @ 215 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Hardened Carapace; Scything Talons; Synapse Creature; Shadow in the Warp; Deathspitter)
. . 1 Tyranid Warrior (Barbed Strangler; Scything Talons)

1 The Doom of Malan'tai @ 130 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Claws & Teeth; Reinforced Chitin; Instinctive Behaviour - Feed; Absorb Life; Fearless; Psychic Strength; Psyker; Shadow in the Warp; Spirit Leech; Warp Field; Mycetic Spore; Cataclysm)
. . 1 Mycetic Spore (Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; Hardened Carapace; Lash Whip; Ripper Tentacles; Deep Strike; Fearless; Immobile Pod; Limited Sentience; Transport Spore)

6 Genestealer Brood @ 179 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Reinforced Chitin; Rending Claws; Brood Telepathy; Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Scything Talons; Toxin Sacs)
. . 1 Broodlord (Unit Type: Infantry; Hardened Carapace; Rending Claws; Toxin Sacs; Brood Telepathy; Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Psyker; Scything Talons; Aura of Despair; Hypnotic Gaze)

20 Termagant Brood @ 100 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Chitin; Claws & Teeth; Fleshborer; Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk; Move Through Cover)

1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; Bonded Exoskeleton; Claws & Teeth; Stinger Salvo; Synapse Creature; Brood Progenitor; Psyker; Shadow in the Warp; Spawn Termagants; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Dominion; Catalyst)

1 Tyranid Prime @ 80 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Bonded Exoskeleton; Devourer; Scything Talons; Synapse Creature; Alpha Warrior; Independent Character; Shadow in the Warp)

Validation Report:
c-1. File Version: 1.09a For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Total Roster Cost: 999

Created with Army Builder� - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com


Rogue Chimp
90 points! it would be rude not to. 145 with a basic spore which managed to cripple a land speeder


Full Member
the doom is *ridiculous* in lower point games, because your opponents dont (generally) have enough anti-tank (ie. str 8+) stuff to take it down - and if they want to take it out with conventional weapons, it will take the firepower of their entire army.


Not grumpy
the doom is *ridiculous* in lower point games, because your opponents dont (generally) have enough anti-tank (ie. str 8+) stuff to take it down - and if they want to take it out with conventional weapons, it will take the firepower of their entire army.

My 1000 point tau fields 2 Railhead Gunships, guess im quite lucky in that the Rail gun is both the best anti tank and best anti zerg weapon out there. Mind you if i ever get round to painting them i may as well paint them with a huge bullseye on them.


Full Member
cad - one of which will likely get pounded by the doom's anti tank shot on the turn it arrives, and the other... well, thats what a 3+ invulnerables for :p but yes, i agree, they're a decent chance to take one out.