Guild Bank Opens


Full Member
Do you use Enchantrix Cull so you can see before you pop it what you might get ? I found that very useful, if you want you can even get some auction house mod that can list automatically what is classed as a "good buy" for chanters to blow up.

As a heads up, Siixie (now really my bank mule) is a blacksmith, making I think some steel weapons at the moment, if I go farm some more iron with Gottaa at some point I could maybe make you some blue weapons to blow up if that will help ? And on a side note to that I made some iron buckles last night hearing people have been buying them and realizing Siixie as a blacksmith can make them

So if people need weapons or plate armour up to the earlys 30's in level give us a shout :)

Edit: The mod I was thinking of is Auctioneer I think, which includes Enchantrix in it's package


Full Member
That Venantes ?

Looked at that when I started my hunter, but didn't want it showing on when playing my other non hunter chars, and as he isn't level 10 yet no great rush to install it :)


Full Member
i'm not sure what most peoples levels are at the moment but most of the stuff I'm getting and dropping in the bank is 60 +. If we don't have people around that level that can use it please feel free to blow it up or sell it as I have no use for it.

If lower level gear is needed can anyone sugest a good spot to farm and Ill do a run at the weekend for the bank.


Hernes Son
Yeah venantes. It only, loads on hunters Gottaa. and you can ghost it if it gets in the way. Its very useful.