Guild Bank Opens


Full Member
Bank is full :(, do we need to stop putting green stuff in the bank, or is there a way for a guild chanter to know it's been in there for weeks and could be blown up ?

Oh and the claymore thingy didn't sell so it's in the bank if any two handed sword uses in the low 30's fancy it :) (page 2, on the far left column)


Full Member
As suggested last night or was another about Bert telling us every so often (or was that Catz telling Bert?) to have a look and remove anything we might want, then selling any surplus to boost guild funds.

I'd suggest that Bert removes any items that are particulary worth holding onto somewhere until the clearout is finished, so we don't all pikey or sell stuff that might be ear-marked for later?


Full Member
175 Chanting here, not sure what lv items I need to disenchant to get Astral essence and mystic essence ?


Full Member
for essences, you need to disenchant green weapons (for the best chance, at least). not sure of the exact levels though.


Full Member
Had a wee bank clear out tonight of some higher lv items, mainly for chars use later on, at least there's a few spaces now. Would suggest that Cull could take any greens he can use for disenchanting if peeps not taken the lower lv greens by now.


Full Member
What's the name of your chanter char Cull ? If we have a char in the guild who will disenchant I'll mail the green stuff we would have put in the bank to them and cut out the middle man in the future, that or when we get enough money the 3rd slot becomes greens and we have oldest on the left, newest on the right or something .... would be nice for the bank to log when stuff went in, could see something has been sat there for a few weeks and could be blown up


Full Member
I re filled the bank again last night with the most useful bits I had on my bank chars. Is there any type of item that is needed in the bank more than others ?


Full Member
Well.. I tend to chuck in those bits needed by crafters...gems, hides, silver/gold bars etc. The rest goes to AH to generate cash for little ole me and guild bank slots.

Oh and whilst on the subject, could some nice leatherworker convert the hides to the cured status so that they arent clogging up the bank with two types of hides. Ta :)


Catz is ebil *snigger*
All donations of rugged hide greatfully received by shenira :)

Anything I craft more than one I put 1 in the bank and sell the other/s to make money for bank at the moment. We need another slot.


Full Member
I need Mageweave for my tailor atm if anyone has any spare please (tailor is called Bethiel if you want to mail direct ;) )


Full Member
Maybe have a sticky of char names and what they are looking for ? so we know the crafters to save the guild bank filling to the brim again


Hernes Son
Had a look in last night, took and popped stuff that looked unwanted - only let me take 5 things at first, then it relented and let me take a couple more. Using the mats to progress enchanting. I am currently making 10-20g per day on AH, most of which im using to buy cheap greens to pop. The prices on alliance side tend to be 2-3X those I remember from Horde, low level blue swords that went for 10-15g on horde cost 30 - 60 on alliea side AH and I'm too much of a skinflint to buy 'em :)
Currently playing with what I get as q rewards or that Clannies can make.