Left for Dead (360 version)


Full Member
Wow, this thread really has taken off, the comments about me first made me snort my tea through my nose (thank you Marks), and then spit some tea over my keyboard (thank you St00d).

What it all really boils down to though is this, there are PC gamers, there are console gamers, the thing that SHOULD unite them is games, together they keep games companies alive (specially in the current climate). So we should all just get along

I would though say that console hardware doesn't mean stagnation of what developers achieve, it means instead of saying "We'll make it work for this brand new amazing video card" they say "If you tweak this, use that processor for this, push this into there it'll improve things". A good example I always thought was Gran Turismo on PS1 & 2, look at the changes through the versions within the same console and you could believe it's using different hardware, infact pick a 360 release title up and compare it to a brand new one.

So now lets all agree what's good about gaming now, and I'll go clean this tea off my keyboard


Ranger of the North
What it all really boils down to though is this, there are PC gamers, there are console gamers, the thing that SHOULD unite them is games

And then you just have gamers as well. I'll play any game on any format if it is good and don't consider myself one or the other. As you say a good game is a good game whatever its on.


Full Member
Aye Tree, but people in here seem polarised to a lesser or greater degree, I for example wouldn't touch a PC game any more, unless it was an MMO (indeed we just got Talili up and running on her new MacBook with Warhammer so we can play together). And that change probably came about some time between the original x-box and the 360.

I wouldn't consider myself a console gamer, though I do generally play on consoles/handhelds. Gaming also isn't just about on a machine, there is card/board games/etc etc
Let us all marvel at the poster-child of harmony and unity that is MarkS.
He can mend this schism with his flip-floping indecision.

Does he like consoles?
Does he like PCs?
Well what day of the week is it?


Full Member
I like both, i thought that was clear.

but CUNTS like you that download games are killing the PC.



Full Member
Tom just told me on MSN that he ran over an orphan, a kitten and a puppy this morning and that he has made a fortune from short selling stocks in the last month.


Full Member
I did for a short time, but i played with swiss phil, who is about as inpsiring as a toblerone.


Stupid is as stupid does
Consoles will replace PCs for gaming soon IMO.

MS will probably, in their next generation console, have a keyboard and mouse (wireless) available.

Game developers prefer writing for the 360. Its a standardised format and therefore easier. They are also forced to try and optimise their code BECAUSE its a standardised format (good thing).

Consoles can use nice fuck off HD TVs.

I now see no benefit to PC gaming at all, except for playing MMO games. Yes, mouse and keyboard are better controls for an FPS but I think that will be rectified with the next generation of consoles.

But, if you want a nice cash sink to keep up with the latest ridiculous hardware requirements for a game that graphically isn't usually as good as the 360 version, go for it. I can't really see the point these days myself unless you luff MMO games.


Hairier than thou
Pot? Kettle? Tom?

Personally I have both, and for simple reasons, I like the 360 as I can just turn it on and enjoy the convenience of the thing, I equally like my PC (which not that uber atm) as I both work and game on it to whatever degree I like.

Thing you have to remember though is that there will always be games that you buy for your console and games you buy for your PC, to sight one I will buy Starcraft 2 and DOW2 for the PC the moment that they are released, why?, becuase playing them on a console (should they be released on one) would be untenable, equally I bought Farcry2 as I had never tried an fps on a console before and found it to be very enjoyable, the loss of control from a muse and keyboard not being quite the hindrance I thought it would be, the online aspect being bloody fun too, just as with the PC.

Look at it another way: The right tool for the right job depending on the person.

I have to agree with Ky where optimisation is concerned also, it makes for better developers over all who write better code rather than relying on the added horsepower of a mid to high end PC platform, thats far from lazy, its talented.

As for downloading games I can actually say that I never have, but people who do are certainly making a dent in things.


Full Member
FPS with keyboard and mouse = EASY MODE
FPS with console controller = HARDCORE

The fact some people can only enjoy a FPS game with a keyboard and mouse shows how they don't actually want things more difficult, they want them easier, heck even I do better with a mouse for it's accurate aiming. Make the people screaming for "no easy mode on consoles" play with a controller and within seconds there whinging that the game is "unplayable"

Please note this is just meant to continue the Console > PC debate, even though it is actually 100% accurate anyway :D


Full Member
This is where the people that have never played an FPS on a console claim they all use auto targeting... YES YOU TOM... FAG


Stupid is as stupid does
He's tried that one on me as well Mark but I prety much ignore everything Tom says and put in the bin marked "utter bollocks" :D

I still use a PC, obviously but only a laptop for web browsing, music, etc. A desktop PC takes up a fair bit of real estate in your home (desk + chair, etc) whereas the console sits nearly underneath the TV, etc.

I also think that a console is more sociable. You can get your mates round and have a laugh. Another bonus is because the console usually sits in the front room you can irritate your girlfriend by shooting aliens with your mates when she wants to watch Desperate Housewives \o/
Pot? Kettle? Tom?

Yet you're also disagreeing with Ky's statement that consoles will soon replace PCs as gaming platforms.
J'accuse! :D

Gottaa - most people would prefer the difficulty of a game to be increased with clever puzzles, more depth to the gameplay, etc. Not clunky, un-responsive controls. Don't blame us PC users for your inferior hardware. You made your bed, you sleep in it. ;)