so the guild ?


Full Member
The new guild should be ClanUK and remain wholey as ClanUK. The reason EQUK broke away from ClanUK was some **** stirring and perceived interfering. There actually was some/a lot of that happening, but those influences aren't around any more.

I think this game is going to stick around for a long time and develop; because of that we need a GM and officers to facilitate the development of the guild. Guild development is catered to significantly in the game. And we want a **** off big castle :)

The GM and the Officers should be responsible for the well being of the guild. Their primary function should be to ensure all members of the guild are respected and treat other people in the guild with respect. Guild development should be secondary to that. This was the vision we, the officers, had before the raid council was conceived in EQ1 and was one of the reasons we had so much fun in the first few years.

I dont expect we will need any kind of raid council (by that I mean an ideal, a person or a body of people controlling loot or hunts) or rules governing the allocation of loot, due to the nature of the game.

Beyond that I think we should play the game for a while and see what everyone thinks we should be doing and aiming for in game.

I'm happy, in fact keen, to have a shot at being GM, but you wouldnt find me a typical GM. I'd actually do very little apart from planning for the guild short, medium and long term and identifying areas that needed addressing and asking people to be responsible for them. And slapping anyone down if they got a power complex :) Would also hope very much that people like Dith, Tenz, Cad, Extro, Gottaa, Unny (list isnt exhaustive) are going to play and are willing to put the time into being an officer.

Overall I think we can recapture the real special place and fun that the guild was in EQ1, but I think a big part of it was a group of officers, of very different personalities, whose primary concern was the people in the guild rather than the ph4test loots and running the guild for your mates. In fact I think we can go one better in EQ2.

Now can people please get on Unnys case and tell him he will be playing and we expecthim to be a bloody ranger:)


Professional Slacker
A wise chimp said to me this morning:

"Easiest way to pick the wrong gm, give it to someone that actually wants to do it :)"

Go figure :p


Full Member
Guilds and Families FAQ cut and pasted from eq2 main site

Guilds and Families FAQ

How do you form a guild in EverQuest II?

The first step in creating a guild is registering its name with your home city. The name must be approved before the guild becomes active. Though not yet set in stone, the minimum membership requirement for a guild will probably be six. There will be a cost associated with guild upkeep, but we don't intend for fees to be punitive or unmanageable. We want to encourage players to participate in guilds.

Our goal is for guilds to play a tangible role in society rather than being just a random collection of player names. Guilds will rise in prestige and standing based on what its members do, much like players themselves level and grow. NPCs will react to that progression; city guards may salute when members of a prestigious guild walk by. The guild you belong to should matter just as much as any other aspect of your character; perhaps even more, since the relationships you form within a guild are so direct and so real.

How is guild prestige determined?

Guilds function much like they do in EverQuest, but with an additional political element. When a player founds a guild, it will be registered in whichever city he or she is a citizen. Essentially, each guild will be competing against other guilds to raise its prominence within its home town. The guilds that achieve the highest standings will receive tangible benefits for as long as they continue to maintain their standing.

Do those benefits include guild housing?

Player housing is something you buy or rent in cities. Freestanding houses are a finite resource, and there will be a lot of prestige for the guilds that own them. Of course, the cost and upkeep will be considerable. Guilds that achieve the highest standing in their city will receive access to prestige housing that other guilds will not.

Apartment-like housing will be much more affordable. Some of these facilities can be quite large, too. Both guilds and individual players will have access to plenty of housing options.

Can players from Qeynos join a Freeport based guild, and vice versa?

Where the guild is registered will not impact who can join it. For example, a player from Freeport is free to join a guild that is based in Qeynos, but that player will essentially be contributing to the strength of the opposing city. This won't hurt how that player is perceived in Freeport, but it does mean that this player wouldn't receive all the benefits that a citizen of Qeynos would.

How do families differ from guilds?

Families are registered in a city, but they don't vie against each other in the political meta-game that guilds play. Members of a family enjoy the camaraderie present in a guild without the atmosphere of competition. When a player founds a family, he or she creates a unique surname that will be adopted by any player who joins it. Seeing a character with a surname will instantly tell you which family that player belongs to. Players who quit one family and join another will see their surname change accordingly.

Can a player be a member of both a guild and a family?

Yes, a player can be a member of both of these social structures at the same time. One person can be in a family and a guild simultaneously, because the structures don't compete against each other.

Message Edited by Moorgard on 03-12-2004 02:28 PM

Message Edited by Moorgard on 03-16-2004 10:01 AM

EQII Community Guy


Eternal Trial Member
See... knew there'd be someone along sooner or later that knew what they were talking about (ta Extro :) )

And pretty much what Flighty said - we don't have to form a guild or make up rules - we already have one.. Worked well in COH, SWG etc - no reason why it shouldn't work in EQ2, WoW ....

>You can get a **** off big castle?
>Always did have a thing for player buildings

That's torn it - Roch, guild house builder extrodinaire, going to turn EQ2 into something out of "the sims" :grin:


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
I was tempted by the sims online. Mostly because you could go round to someones house and piss on their sofa and they couldn't do anything about it :D


One is not Amused
Is ther a trade skill decorator type thing like the architect in SWG? If ther is, stick me down for officer in charge of make the guild hall look good :) I did a rather snazzy job on the guild hall in SWG , if I do say so myself.
Pity youd all left by the time I finished it :)

As for guild structure.
I know we have to have a GM and officers for the mechanics of the game . But I personaly wouldnt want anything like the structure and dynamics of EQ1 developing in EQ2. If it gets anything like that Im off to play somthing else.
My personal choice for GM would be Roch, if he can be persuaded to play . Even if its only for the first few months as we did in DAOC, before Btone took over if memory serves me right.
I suppose it comes down to what sort of guild we want really , we have players who want to achieve big things and we have players who just want to have a laugh and piss about.
The important thing is we are inclusive and acomodate both groups
So who ever it is that takes on the mantle of GM I hope they have a very light hand on the tiller


Eternal Student
Beyond that I think we should play the game for a while and see what everyone thinks we should be doing and aiming for in game.


I'm guessing that familys and guilds also have there own chat channels, will be interesting to see how it all works out in the game. Hopefully the "upkeep" for houses and guilds will not be to large in respect of money situations.

So long as the GM can listen to the guild and what it wants i'm sure we wont have a problem with whoever is GM, lots of potential people I could think of though i'm sure alot wouldn't want to.
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Full Member
Some sound thoughts there Flight.
I also like the idea of a GM who will keep 'a very light hand on the tiller'. SPS doesn't really have a GM, which works well for us. But it may not be suitable for a guild the size of the upcoming CUK one.

Either way, it'll be fun to see how things shape up.


Full Member
To be honest I dont mind who the GM is. But I think its a mistake to think we can get by without a GM/Officers in this game; though if they are doing their job well they should be not seen or heard much, if at all, in that capacity - very much the way things were for the first two or three years of EQUK in EQ1. You would be surprised how much we had to deal with behind the scenes and on the Officer Forums. Frankly its bloody hard work and a thankless task; I have no idea how Unny managed for so long without havnig a nervous breakdown.

The guild is going to be sizeable, sooner or later - probably sooner - and the game is going to be a lot more succesful and last a lot longer than most people think. With so many benefits for well run guilds I dont think its the game where you can have no structure of leadership or planning and just turn up and play and enjoy the benefits of a good guild.


One is not Amused
Flight said:
With so many benefits for well run guilds I dont think its the game where you can have no structure of leadership or planning and just turn up and play and enjoy the benefits of a good guild.

Well maybe its not the game for me then matey, I have no intention of being told when and where to turn up and what I can and cant do .I am never going back to the old way EQ was run .
I dont want to be RUN by anybody Ill turn up when I want, help out where I can but if its anything like it used to be . see ya later.


Full Member
me either, im not having some jumped at little chimp telling me how to spend my free time, organising fun events is one thing, telling people they have to log in or crap like that to help a raid is for buttpopes.

Sounded from reading dip corps that EQ was a bit like that, if EQ2 is as well then ill be on my gnome in a cowboy hat dancing in WoW :D


Full Member
People are jumping to conclusions about what a strong leadership should be. As I've said, it should hardly ever, if ever, be heard or seen as having any official capacity in the day to day enjoyment of the game. People who were in the EQ1 guild for the first three years would recognise that type of leadership.

The type of leadership people are adverse to is the type of leadership seen in the latter couple of years in EQ1, with people abusing positions of responsibility. For anyone who isnt aware, I said my goodbyes to that guild before any of that **** kicked off.

Strong leadership means that you stand by the principles of the guild (primarily looking after the people in the guild) and dont allow them to change, in the way they did in EQ1 around the 3 or 4 year mark. This will be needed. As in EQ1, the guild is going to be bigger than most other game guilds, with a far wider range of types of people and personalities, with all the interaction that brings with it.