Wheel of Time


The Burninator
Have the new Posthumous Book 12 coming in the post now, just wondering if anyone has read it yet? i notice that book 13 is already set for release in september next year, as well as book 5 in the Song of Fire and Ice series, and i can't wait :)


Professional Slacker
I got it for Christmas and I'm a couple of hundred pages in. Have to say it's pretty good so far and, if I didn't have so much else to do, I probably wouldn't put it down until I was finished.

The last few books in the series felt like Jordan had lost his way a bit and got bogged down in the story. He was following through on sub-plots without advancing the main story much at all.

Sanderson is a fan, has lots of notes, finished scenes and dictations to work off and seems to be doing a good job of pulling things together and moving the story forward to a conclusion.

My only problem so far is that, despite having read most of the previous books twice, it's been so long that I can't remember various plot twists.

Memory of light was supposed to be one book originally but it was going to be so big that they decided to split it into three with The Gathering Storm being the first.

In the foreword, Sanderson says he's halfway through the second and third books so it wouldn't suprise me if they're out next year and the year after.


Full Member
I was a bit annoyed to hear that the so-called 'final' book would be published as 3 books...smacks of blatant money grabbing by the publishers. However if it is as good as you say I might forgive them :D

I have to say that I've also forgotten most of the plot by now too.

By the way anyone read Joe Abercrombie's triology? Just picked it up to read after I finish a factual book about the crusades.


Full Member
"I was a bit annoyed to hear that the so-called 'final' book would be published as 3 books...smacks of blatant money grabbing by the publishers. However if it is as good as you say I might forgive them "
to be fair, i think its more that Sanderson picked up the work and went 'umm, and this is for one book you say? will we be selling it with a backpack for people to carry it round in?'

I'm torn on getting this tbh. the previous few books just got so boring, i'm not sure i even read them all. i'd have to reread them all before i went on to this, and honestly i have other books to read, and not enough time anyway.
(currently reading The Reality Dysfunction - the first book of the Nights Dawn trilogy.


Professional Slacker
Well, The Gathering Storm is over 700 pages long and it's a big heavy book.

If the other two are as big then I can understand why they didn't publish the lot in one volume. Sure the publishers want more of our cash but I don't fancy trying to hold a 2,000+ page book whilst reading it in the bath :p


Mistress of Forums
I did have a bit of a maniacal laugh when I saw that it was going to be another three book (after thinking to myself 'ahh good it will get wrapped up now Jordan is out the picture')


Full Member
I got the book when it came out and finished reading it within 24 hours of receiving it. I have to say, this is definitely one of the best books from the series. I have talked about it with a number of friends that say this *is* the best book in the whole series.

I have to disagree, because I think Sanderson has problems writing one or two of the main characters. On the plus side, the girls are no longer annoying, so I finally manage to read their parts without wincing. However Mats characterisation feels off for some reason.

The story advances in leaps and bounds. The pace is comparable to that of the first book. A number of storylines are closed, with, thankfully, no new ones appearing. It does have the feeling of the beginning of the end. :)

I cannot recommend the book enough. :)


Professional Slacker
Just finished and it's definitely one of the best.

I 'd need to read the previous books again (something I intend to start shortly) to notice the differences in writing style but I didn't feel like any of the characters had changed.

Sanderson's style seems a bit odd to me at times but I think he's done an excellent job.


Stupid is as stupid does
I'm quite impressed that anyone still bothers with this series. I think I got to Book 7 before deciding that it really wasn't interesting enough for the wordage you had to get through.

Robert Jordan suffered from verbosity to the maximum degree. I think its quite fitting he popped his clogs before finishing the series.....


Professional Slacker
You're not fooling anyone!

I thought book one was shite until I got to page 70 or so. Glad I stuck with it.


The Burninator
Indeed, one of those i couldn't put down, seriously can't wait for the finale, Mr Sanderson seems to have picked the notes up and really done wonders with them :D


Professional Slacker
I like the way he switches characters and/or plot lines multiple times within the same chapter. I don't recall it happening much in previous books and it's transformed a great story into an outstanding one.

In the past you'd often get several chapters devoted to one plot line - Terry Brooks does the same thing in his books. I'd find myself pissed off when a plot line I'd been enjoying got shelved for a while and then struggling to make it through the next few chapters relating to a plot line I wasn't enjoying as much.

Sanderson has broken all the plot lines up, mixed them together and then keeps firing it at you so you're compelled to keep reading.


Full Member
Looking forward to reading this sometime now....was worried it might drag on for another few books...2 I can cope with if they are this good.