

Rogue Chimp
What boardgames do people find fun. Im talking specifically the gaming types like:L

Arkham horror
Wings of War

im considering Axis and allies vs Tide of Iron. Anything else i should think on


Full Member
I still don't reckon you can beat the old classic, Escape from Colditz, but it probably feels amazingly basic nowadays


Rogue Chimp
Yeah i use boardgamegeek. I guess im looking for opinion on

axis and allies vs memior 44 vs tide of iron if youve sampled there. Boardgamegeek is all good and well but i cannot really get an idea on whos played all three and can give a valid opinion


The Doggy Chimp
I have a feeling they are wargames, I have not played any. The first 2 are popular, the last I have not heard of. It may be a good idea posting on one of the forums there - you'll get some feedback pretty quick...


The Doggy Chimp
Hmm lots - games I am very keen on: Brass, Caylus, Peloponnes, Arkham Horror, Le Havre, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Thebes, Puerto Rico, Thunderstone... a mixture of Eurogames and the more thematic "Ameritrash" games. I have too many :)


The Doggy Chimp
Never played Kingmaker - I like Talisman but Runebound maybe edges it - very similar. Also Tomb is very messy...


Rogue Chimp
I have runebound and then Descent: Journeys in the dark which is set in the same 'world' i like both.

Arkham appeals immensely - the couple of times i've played that its been superb.
I have the lord of the rings game (�3 from a carboot - mint condition too) never touched it
house on haunted hill (or mansion on haunted hill or something similar - avalon i think)

I was thinking on a 'ww2' type game hence the list above. i think Tide of Iron would be the most appealing - firstly because its close to a wargame and 2ndly its by fantasy flight games.

Arkham though appeals as well. So do i pitch for one or the other.....


The Doggy Chimp
I'd go for Arkham, but then again i am not a wargamer, so my opinion is a tad biased. If you can't decide... why not buy both? I have not played Descent, but I have heard good things about it.


PVC Love God
Been playing a bit of Chaos in the Old World recently. Superb game from Fantasy Flight. Race for the Galaxy is a good one as is Metro (basically it's the road building sub-game from Carcassone). I got Ad Astra for my birthday recently and it's been fun although not as good as Race for the Galaxy IMO.


The Doggy Chimp
I have not tried Chaos in the Old World but would like to. Race for the Galaxy is very much like San Juan (card equivalent of Puerto Rico) but there seems more to it, especially with the expansions. Carc is good fun, always like playing that one.


Hairier than thou
Im still a huge fan of fantasy flights battle star galactica game, made of win but Arkham horror is also an old favourite.


PVC Love God
Check out Wings of War as well if you're after a 'wargamey boardgame'. It takes up a fair amount of space but if you play Arkham Horror you'll be used to that.

There are loads of expansions for both WWI and WWII but even the basic game is fun and challenging.


Rogue Chimp
I have 8 planes, all three Wings of War (WW1) sets. We play it regularly down at the club. Simple, but bloody addictive. The hun planes out class the Allies though for some reason


Hernes Son
They did generally outclass us both in planes and skill till later on in the war - we ultimately won the air war by attrition, having roughly 2 planes/pilots for every 1 the Hun had. The general in charge of the british fliers decided that as long as we killed 1 of theirs for every 2 of ours that died we would win and thats what happened. There was an excellent program on chanel 4 last week about it - well worth seing if you can find it on 4 on demand or d/l it

Fighting the Red Baron

They re-create some of the mission types using 2 red arrows guys, hillarious when one has to lean out of the cockpit at 1000 ft to take pictures with a huge box camera. very informative and extremely entertaining, especially the dog-fights.


Rogue Chimp
Ressurecting this thread just to say:

I got Memoir 44 today. Looks simple, but fun to play.

Im starting to get a board game thing going on here. Next on the list is Arkham horror though im wondering if i should wait for the new cthulhu based game FFG has just announced... Give me time to get some monies together for it.

I found my copy of Zombies and Zombies 2. Might teach my 6yr old to play it.


PVC Love God
Arkham Horror is a fantastic game. It's also nice when you want a game that isn't too competitive as it's a co-op game so fun for all and no arguments afterwards!


Rogue Chimp
Is it worth getting the expansions ... innsmouth, the man in yellow, Piper the goat boy.. etc