Cop 4-2 farming tuesday 18, 4-2 fight wednesday 19 april


Cymru Am Byth!
Cool, thanks for the confirmation Vig. :)

I'll make sure to get the cutscenes out of the way today anyway so at least I'm ready next time we're ready to do it.


Full Member
This weeks run is canceled...

Next stop on the Clanuk-Cop-Choochoo:

Monday 03/07/2006 1900 GMT @ Tower (F-7, Beaucedine Glacier) for the 5-1 fight and after that 5-2 Promyvion - Vahzl (!!!!).

Preparation: make sure u get all the previous cutscenes (cid being the last one to talk to before ya are ready for 5-1 fight).


Mr. Scudley
Yes Min the 5-1 NM fight isn't really a mission at all it takes like 30secs to kill it and that grants you access to Prommy-Vahzl, He's like a guardian blocking your way :)


Full Member
Remember: Promyvion - Vahzl has a level cap of 50. Please don't forget the appropriate gear ^^
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Mrs Sorran
Ok so the first fight isn't capped, but the prommy is capped at level 50, or is it all capped?


Mrs. Scudley
If you have spare animas bring them, they are not as needed as for the early 3 promys but always help.

The first fight is uncapped but cake for lvl 75s so if you have inventory issues just bring your cap 50 gear.

Anyone with MP must bring juices/yag drinks for the fight, everyone must bring a reraise earring. Antidotes (if you don't have poisona)/high potions/ethers/pamama au laits etc. always help.

Think that's about it?


Cymru Am Byth!
Aye, sounds like the usual prommy setup, going to be interesting doing one at 50 cap rather than 30 though. :) Vig, just out of interest, would you said this felt harder or easier than the original prommies when you did it?


Mr. Scudley
Vig's asleep now but it's a longer tougher run up to the top but the BCNM fight at the end is much easier imho :) mainly because u get Utsusemi: Ni ^^