Level 70?


Not reading these forums much these days so this may have been posted but:

Ex-pack news

Here is a quick summary:
# The name is Burning Crusade.
# Takes place in the Outlands.
# Level cap raised to Level 70.
# 2 new races, Blood Elf (Horde) and TBA (Alliance).
# No new classes.
# New profession, Jewelcrafting, which will allow for slotting and modding items ala Diablo 2.
# New BE starter area and zones north of the Eastern Plaguelands, Silvermoon (their Capital City), Ghostland, and Zul'Aman.
# Epic FLYING FREAKING MOUNT useable only in Outlands.
# Small upgrades to the graphics engine (BE will have 20% more polygons than original races for example).
# Weather effects added.
# Exploring how to add in cross server Battlegrounds.


Professional Slacker
Keep hearing that the magazine scan this info supposedly comes from is fake.

As they say, Blizzcon is just around the corner so we might find out soon.
Yeah, I'm somewhat dubious. An obscure Italian magazine seems a rather odd medium for Blizzard to use to spread info on the x-pack, and there're several other fake "leaked details" making the rounds which sound similar.

Ah well, like the chimp says, we'll find out soon enough. :)


Full Member
i heard that the new horde race will be motorcycles. well, thats what penny-arcade says... :p
seriously though, although theres a chance these things are true... i wouldnt place any major bets on it. those things are all fairly predictable things (blood elf rumours have been going around since release, lvl 70 or 75 limit has been discussed often, everyone wants to go to outlands, etc.)

for a long time i thought that lvl 70 limit would screw up high end instances (like MC, BWL) but in fact, i guess it just makes them more accesible to smaller guilds. so meh, not too bad i guess.
i cant see many people playing any new races though... not as mains, i mean. i already have 2 chars at 50+ (warlock and warrior), if i start another, what would it be? it seems a bit silly to introduce new races at this stage tbh. If blood elves had been around at release, i'd have been a blood elf warlock (wanted to be NE warlock, but couldnt :p), but why would i spend the 60plus days playtime to get another char to the same stage as Tieg, just for a race change?


Full Member
I cant see them raising the level cap without a huge rework to the talents systems.
At the moment its set so you have to make some decisions about what goodies to get.

For example, on the warrior im currently making, im torn between going 31 arms for Mortal strike, or going split spec and getting the crit stuff from arm/fury and prot down to conc blow (my fav pvp build as its good dps but also gives several options for dealing with casters). 10 more talent points would mean i could get both. IMBA anyone? And shamans that could go elemental spec and still get natures swiftness!!!


Full Member
10 Extra levels (if I remember right) could easier be Hero levels though dealing with points differently. After all talent points don't kick in till 10 so just as easy to stop them at the current level cap and move them into Hero talent points.

As far as a new class some people will happily start a new char and level them up quickly to for example be the first level 60 or 70 blood elf on the server.


Professional Slacker
You're assuming 61-70 (or whatever it would be) would grant you an existing talent point.

They might make it so every level post 60 gives you a talent point which can only be spent in new talent trees introduced with the patch. It might even be how they're going to implement Hero Classes.

As for characters being higher than end game content, it might not be such a bad thing. Most of the uber loot is BoP anyway so you're not going to be able to farm it to sell on the AH and they can screw with the vendor prices like they did to Doan's drops.

The new instances/zones (assuming there will be some) could cater for characters who are 61-70 and, as Zeus says, it might make existing instances more accessible. 5 man UBRS, 15 man ZG, 30 man MC, etc.


Full Member
people say MC is doable with 20men as it stands.
and i'm sure it is. if you're an elite clan in full epic gear.
but those arnt exactly the clans that need to be able to do it with less people :p
so to me, i think it would be nice. but we'll see - like i say, dont trust what you randomly read out of a random italian magazine. i cant see any logic for the bloodelves joining the horde (they only dislike the alliance because the alliance did help them much with the scourge, the horde didnt exactly help them with that either, and theyve been at war with the horde a lot too...)
that new profession, sounds remarkably similar to enchanting you know... enchanting was meant to be wow's answer to D2 Jewelling...


Cartwheel RIGHT
my 10p is leaving the existing level cap at 60, but introducing a post-lvl-60 'thing' much like hero classes, for peopel to do. as has been said, increasign the cap beyond 60 would cause all kinds of problems, since even the extra stat points would imba the game.

want to be a blood elf though, i wonder if they have the same underwear as nightelves, or if it's red pants / bra combo ?

apaprently though, that mag that posted it have been caught out lying about expansions and the like before, in an attempt to boost sales. i forget what though.


Full Member
i reckon, for the 10 'hero' levels, you should get 10 more talent points, and normal stat boost. but those would be hero talent points, on a new set of trees... that have good and bad points. for instance, prot tree now just makes you better at defense, these would include ones that made you better at defense, but also worse at attack. so basically, specialise even more.


Full Member
It would be nice to have new skills, seemed to me around the 44-46 level area you had all your skills and the rest of the level ups were just upgrades to existing skills, leaving you with only talent tree skills as new stuff and at that level you'd probably already got your one 31 point talent anyway. It would have been nice to have a new great skill available when you reached 60 as a reward.


Full Member
Galias said:
Joo dun a runnah from MTS then? Not seen Aggeh and teh Ky for a while as well :(

I stopped playing for a while chief, the guild me and aggy played US with went CUKBOOM!! and the euros made a new guild on the one of the new servers. Mucking about on there atm.


Full Member
Janie said:
It would be nice to have new skills, seemed to me around the 44-46 level area you had all your skills and the rest of the level ups were just upgrades to existing skills, leaving you with only talent tree skills as new stuff and at that level you'd probably already got your one 31 point talent anyway. It would have been nice to have a new great skill available when you reached 60 as a reward.

what, a bit like ritual/curse of doom then? :D (granted, doomguards suck, but blizzard are going to fix them in the next patch. just like they have been for the last 6 months :/)

to be fair, theres a big differerence (as a warlock) between having just Master Demonologist(30pt talent), and having ruin as well (21pt talent).


Just reactivated my account to see if I can be arsed. Will mostly be playing with Renegade Legion on t'other server tho.