Level 70?


Full Member
Chick said:
Have done a full scholo clearance the other week with 7 people

7? thats a bit overkill aint it mate?

Potnoodle and I did it with 3 random pickup without a wipe.
Between the 2 of us we also did the most damage and healing of the group :)


Full Member
Chick said:
The alliance hereetics are part of dropepd Baron Gheddon for the first time last night.

You lie, how is that possible without shaman! :)

Chick said:
Rogue Tank FTW

Haha :) I sometimes feel sorry reading how Janie is forced into healing roles, our warrior availabity is limited so we pretty much beg Aly to tank, druid tanks are top fun.


Full Member
Agravaine said:
I thought Golden Hunters alone had 5 Warriors.

Most of the GH warriors have experienced my healing and do not feel as duty bound as Aly. Plus it's a cute bear wif liddle fwuffy ears and a podgy tail! (edit: btw I've guilded Woody's alt :D)
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Professional Slacker
And ugly horns designed by someone on crack.

I know you have. I log in occasionally to keep an eye on things.


Retro RPGer
My current stumbling block would be devising a small group for domo. Rag could, arguably, be considered easier than him with a small raid size, though 20 is a trifle low for maintaining stamina through multiple sons phases.

Domo would be very hard. 6 Tanks minimum (4 for Elite/Healers, 2 for Domo), 4 Mages minimum (4 Sheepers for Elites/Healers). Thats 10 and you haven't even started to address healing and DPS. Trouble with MD fight is is really does have to be fast, else you just run out of mana/hps. With the magic/melee shields halving your DPS for 10 secs in every 30 you need more than the normal DPS to take out MDs guards.

Reckon it's doable with 30 if your pretty heavy MC equipped (we've cruised it with 35 but losing 5 people can make quite a difference), if your BWL equipped you're looking at less, you might get it down to 20ish then, though 5 healers and 5 DPS sounds very, very light to me.

Ragnaros is more interesting, though by no means is he an easier fight than Domo. Rag is tactics 50%/ DPS 50%, but even with the best tactics in the world if you're facing more than 2 or at most 3 spawns of Sons I'd consider you dead.

You could certainly sacrifice Ranged Magic DPS on Rag. basically dropping your Ranged
contribution to Hunters only and relying on your Rogues/ DPS Warriors (Salvation Blessed if ya Ally) to carry the day.

Even so if you take the heavy melee/low magic option then your melee FR has to be through the roof, cos with reduced healing power (small raid, something else has to give too to keep the DPS up) your healers are going to be very taxed mana wise - even assuming the Sons tactics are spot on and they're not losing much to mana burn.

Again for small raid Ragnaros, you'll be looking at full MC equipped minimum, heavy emphasis on FR gear (high end Thorium Bro. made stuff + MC core farming alot), the Fire damage output on Rag is brutal to say the least.

Onyxia actually gets easier with less, she's easily a sub 20 doable raid-boss if your heavily enough DPS gear loaded, I actually find her harder atm with 40 than if we do her with 30, simply cos of phase 2 spreading to avoid Deepbreaths. Atm I'd guess my guild could kill her with sub 30, though not less than 25, with BWL gear it would be a breeze though.