

Full Member
If you want to get really anal (see above lol), Blizzard act unlawfully when arbitrarily deleting accounts and items. They provide no notice of termination of your lease, and they make no formal demand, both of which make it an improper repossession of leased goods. They are hardly therefore able to criticise

i'd guess that all thats covered in the terms of use and eula...


Full Member
as mith said they cover all those base's in the terms of agreement and eula

and for aggys thing yer we;ve all broken laws but i'ver never personaly broken a law i agreed to or goes with my moral set all this countrys laws are forced upon us by those in power and yes i do vote agiasnt those currently in power or if theres no option but them i just abstain from it.

but back to the point once more everytime u create a blizzard account and continue playing that account u agree to play by there rules if u go agaisnt it so be it just dont expect others to agree with u.

should somebloke get chuck out over it nop, should we force him to delete the armor nop do peeps have the right not to play with him if he wears it yep
Oh, don't get me wrong, I still consider items and accounts to be owned by Blizzard. They don't charge for playing the game, so it seems reasonable for them to control it, up to and including deleting items/accounts of people they find doing something they don't want, like selling items. I play games how I enjoy them. Of course this includes not spoiling the game for other people, but I don't see how trading for items in money is any different to trading in in-game items. They both require time to gain, they're just converted differently.

Seems a bit hypocritical to vilify doing so as sad, just because you're trading for bits of information. Isn't that all software is, including the game we bought in the first place? :p

Bit of a moot point, since I don't play D2 any more, and I never have, nor probably will bought/sold items/accounts in games.
The possibility's still there that I might though. :)

Of course, that'd involve not being a pikey student, but what the hey.
Yardos - I see it more along the lines of "I agree you can delete my account etc. if you don't like what I'm doing, and I have no right to kick up a fuss."

And people always have a right not to play with someone. More so with SomeBloke though, he smells funny. :D


Full Member
Y'know we werent always such a bunch of panty sniffing wuss bags...

the first few hours of Clanuks inspeption (sp) were spent comparing kit and duping it :)


Professional Slacker

"If you meet a ClanUK player you will know them . . . they are polite, honest, and totally trustworthy."


Your opinion is worthless....
well i know that the above statement applies to my good self, but you i would be appaled if such a thing could happen :rolleyes: :monkey:


Your opinion is worthless....
Both !! prolly Picty in LaLa/Po Mode getting all Claymore biker chick with it............. :luv: