What do you guys actually think of it?


Full Member
I did originally want to moan about things being "easier" but its not really, they've just replaced things you can do with actual game mechanics.

No costs of death - Diablo 2: spam TP's before each fight, Diablo 3: just die
Result:- the same

skills being changed alot - Diablo 2: pay for respec Diablo 3: wait 20 seconds
result: the same

etc. etc.
Yes alot of things have been dumbed down, but I can't see how its so bad that people want to quit the game, its not breaking it or anything. There was a video posted a while back as well, blizzard stated that anybody who played D2 to NM level, will walk through normal, it gets interesting at nightmare mode.

I dunno though, without a ladder system, I kinda find HC mode a bit pointless :(


Full Member
I'm really enjoying it. I've had shit for drops and not found things taxing yet, but my imagination is running wild with ideas for playstyles and tactics and I'm not far enough through the game to be in loot pinata mode anyway, so neither of these phase me.

I'm hoping to be surprised by how different people's playstyles and setups are, but rather than just assuming, I'll open up that discussion with my usual combination of irreverence, charm and modesty.


Hernes Son
Dito. After the Beta, thought I'd hate it. Loving it. Love being able to respec on the fly - my usual Wiz spec was a bit naff against Belial so I was quickly able to drop Nova for diamond skin and Arcane torrent for disintegrate. Now I am in act 3, gone back to my usual skill set but noticed that mobs were more intense than previous acts and mobbed you more, so was able to change the rune on my Arcane torrent to make it more random in its targetting, which works better against close mobs. Soon as it becomes less hectic, I'll probably change back. In D II id be stuck in a rigid skillset and have to lamely get someone else to do stuff for me.

The two big gripes I have, neither of which break the game, are the chat setup and the fact that you cant portal back to act i from act 2 or three - which makes sense if you think about it as youd be travelling back in time. I wonder though what you will do once you have reached the end - are you stuck in Inferno act iV for evermore?


Full Member
It honestly sounds like you expected Diablo 3 to be Diablo 2 with better graphics and/or you had a fixed idea of what it would be like and it's not.

You've made a lot of points in your post, but I'll just quote this one. I didn't expect Diablo 3 to be the same as its predecessor; in fact, I think it improves on Diablo 2 in a number of ways. I originally wasn't keen on the personalised loot system, but I actually think it works very well and keeps things simple.

However, whilst each argument you raise for removing consequence from the game is appealing on its own merits, together they sum to an experience which I find quite meaningless. I wouldn't want to go back to Diablo 2's spec system where if you make a single mistake there's an argument for restarting your character, but I would have liked to have seen some consequence stemming from a player's actions.

For example, the skill system would work perfectly well for me if runes were bind on pick up items that needed to be found, and which were then consumed on a respec. This would encourage people to think carefully about their skill choices, whilst enabling them to change if they should so choose. It would even encourage players to start more than one character to control for those prohibitively expensive runes (so you can have multiple builds set up). To get around the issue of trying out the skills, you could have runes freely available as per the present system in Normal difficulty mode.

I should point out, that the present skill system is probably targeted at people just like me. Those gamer that don't really play anything anymore due to having far too little time. I'm either out doing something in town or working late every night of the week, and my weekends are generally very busy too. I don't have time to build second versions of existing characters, but I would still have preferred to have been required to, just to make the one that I do make mean a little more.

HC mode has never held any appeal for me, and I think the dilution of the strategic element of Diablo 3's combat, means that I don't think I would enjoy it. The best consequence of death that my friend and I came up with, was to punch one another very hard on the shoulder whenever we were taken down. Childish, I know, but it did serve to disincentivise dying rather more than the actual game does!

I don't want to convince anyone not to buy the game; that's not really the purpose behind my posts. It's just really to express my disappointment at how Diablo 3 turned out after so many years in development. I'm not going to play again properly until Blizzard make some serious amendments to the game, and if they don't, well at least my non-gaming friends will be happy as I'll be chilling out with them more than I thought I would!


Hernes Son
Yes Aggy but lasy night I was trying to kill belial solo. 3 deaths later I had virtually no armour left so I went to town to repair - lo and behold, all of the merchants have buggered off with the rest of the poplace. Not realising that the pub was still open, I did what I would have done in D II and waypointed back to the begining of the act - bugger if it didnt have a shop. Ok Ill port back to act 1, repair and have another go at Belial. You cant. If the tavern had been closed I would have been screwed.


Full Member
I find it interesting that, on Metacritic, the 'professional' reviews give it a rating of 88 (based on 20 ratings) but the user score is only 40 based on 3654 ratings.

Is this a case of users only log on to complain, never to praise or is it something else?

Personally, I'm still enjoying the game but am worried about its longevity. Time will tell!


Professional Slacker
Ent, I was trying to reply to most of your points :D

Cull, but it wasn't and you weren't :p

StGeorge, read the negative player reviews on Metacritic. They're epic lol :)


Full Member
I find it interesting that, on Metacritic, the 'professional' reviews give it a rating of 88 (based on 20 ratings) but the user score is only 40 based on 3654 ratings.

Its a new internet thing, ruin the metacritic rating of big new releases. I'm fairly sure the new Call of duty game was on an average rating of 1 out of 10 for a good few months after release.


Full Member
Sounds like a new way trolls have found to annoy people, by posting lots of low scores on all good new games.



Full Member
aye, metacritic is now essentially useless for new releases. the user reviews are either 10/10 awesomest bestest game ever, or 1/10 terrible game with broken ideas, a rubbish implementation, and someone that comes round your house to murder your dog.

what annoys me is, its getting to be like this in real life too. i tried to talk to someone at work about D3 today, only for them to just say 'its shit. i played it for 20 minutes and its rubbish' - and really theres no comeback for that other than to say 'well i like it, your wrong'. you cant have any kind of discussion about *what* about it they dont like, and if you mention anything you dont like (eg. 'the story didnt feel quite right for the diablo universe') then they take that as vindication for their view of the game being shit in all respects.
not that i care too much what he thinks of games atm, as he seems to think skyrim has a deep combat system and is the bestest rpg evah...


Full Member
Also on the subject of metacritic, don't forget people who vote 1/10 due to disliking DRM, and pirate because they don't agree with DRM, such as having to be online at all times.


Full Member
It's a shame, I think Metacritic used to be a good gauge of games. It looks like you've now got max points from critics as they're in the pocket of the games companies and min points from users as they're all trolls!

I suppose if you average the two every game gets 50% :)


Full Member
I just find I'm buying less and less console and mac (though you could say I'd be hard pushed anyway to buy mac games :)) retail games and more and more indie stuff, alpha funding being something I particularly enjoy, you buy a game that is still in alpha and play, discuss in forums, etc for between �0.99 and �9.99 there always seems to be more support for mac/linux outside the main retail stream (with the exception of Blizzard liking mac's) and I don't end up buying Call of Duty 14, now with accurate sneezing. Sure the graphics may not be ultra realistic but "back in my day" I could get emersion from the story and just generally enjoying the game, and the "realistic" graphics of the modern age to be are grey/light grey/dark gray/darker gray/etc/etc and don't actually. Castle Wolfenstein 3d I got scared in, Doom I grey to love a chainsaw and level design, Quake I grew attached to grappling guns, modern shooters all feel dull in comparisson, sure realistic, but I like escaping realism.

No idea where that rant ended up, but I'll post it anyway.

Metacritic though is a victim of it's success, as soon as one company decided developers pay would be based on metacritic scores that meant it was a powerful tool to the trolls, my way of picking games now is YouTube playthroughs, sometimes it can spoil things a little but it's how I found Minecraft, Towns, Atom Zombie Smasher, Project Zomboid and a few of my iPad games


Your opinion is worthless....
Well i got it and been playing a bit not a huge amount, upto level 21 on my monkey and i think it's great, easier to find games and people online, prefer it to D2 but then i have never been that hardcore for these sorts of games, as for reviews i read what my friends say not what a reviewer says :/

all in all it gets the thumbs up from me ;-)



Seriously? You're complaining that Normal mode is easy for a seasoned gamer such as yourself? Normal is supposed to be easy. It's for people to enjoy the plot and get introduced to the game.

Nightmare is supposed to be mildly challenging whilst Hell is hard and Inferno is OMG WTF.

Getting gems back is a nice bonus but not really here nor there.

You actually want to be locked into your skill choices? You want to have to roll a new character every time you want to try a new skill or trawl the internet to find out which builds work and which don't? Really?

How are you missing out by not being able to specialise skills? Presumably you'd have skill points and end up with 2 or 3 good skills and a few one point wonders? Does that system make it any better for you than having the current one where you can only use 6 skills at once and they're all as good as your gear allows for?

Perhaps you might enjoy one more than the other and that's fair enough but in terms of pure numbers and functionality, they look about equal to me.

If you want to be punished for dying, beyond the cost of repairs, play Hardcore. Simple.

I've seen lots of life leech/regen abilities and items and I've only seen NM items thus far. You're complaining of a lack of life leech on a Wizard? Did the Sorceress have any in D2? If you want life leech abilities, then play a Witch Doctor.

Surely the lack of being able to cheese your way through things by spamming pots makes the game harder, something you want? If you get in over your head then yes, you're going to need to leg it and regroup.

The drop rate seems pretty good to me. I don't expect to see many legendaries but I do get a steady stream of rares and blues and upgrade constantly.

It honestly sounds like you expected Diablo 3 to be Diablo 2 with better graphics and/or you had a fixed idea of what it would be like and it's not.

I just fell in love with you Aggy <3


Dead Again, I need a Rez
I love it!

Only thing I dont like is not being able to use more skills at once, having only 6 skills at any one time is annoying, when you have about 22 skills per class to use.