What do you guys actually think of it?


Cartwheel RIGHT
Bear in mind that Blizzard still patch StarCraft (the original, not II), so I wouldn't be too worried about DIII servers closing down any time soon.

OMG why are you posting on forums when you should be fixing the game

ps. i'm actually starting to get annoyed with error37 now. 1 days is cool. 2 however....


Full Member
I finally got in 2 hours later, on try 293 or something like that. A quick question for you pros, how large can the level difference be reasonably when trying to play with several people in one group? I tried to play with a friend that was level 14 to my level 4. That did not go well. ;-) Casualty rate for poor old Dara was downright impressive. 2 hits and dead.


Full Member
tbh, the level difference can be quite large, just depends on the class, and stuff. I could probably go with people 10 levels higher than me on my wizard, but with a barb, yeah, 2 hits = dead.


Full Member
Well, things are getting more interesting now that I can actually log in every now and then. I have a Monk that I use to solo with the templar henchman and a DH that I duo with, mostly with a friend's Witch Doctor. So far the DH seems much easier, although the Monk improved when I got him some better gear off the DH. Right now the Monk is breezing through everything, including purple bosses.

For the DH, most stuff dies before it gets into range, so no idea how he holds up when he actually takes damage.


Cartwheel RIGHT
my DH is around the start of act 2. Anything that can shoot pretty much levels her, adn I've no room to run away like a girl :(

My main main Barb is now 53 at the start of hell and all i can say is 'bloody hell'. Had to skip one champion pack that was one-shotting me (Arcane, Vortex, Jailer - yeah cheers) on my way to get leoric's crown. It's very, very fun.
Currently sitting with about 20k health, 3.5k dps.


Full Member
arcane, vortex, jailer, pah.

try fast, fire chains, jailer.
or my fav
extra health, illusion, mortar.

makes life as a ranged absolutely horrible. Definately need to get a bit more DPS on that char though.


Full Member
OK, played the beta and thought the game was good, very polished, BUT it didn't grab me like D2 did.

Please be honest, 'cos I am really skint!

Do you think the game has the same addictiveness as D2, as in items, levels?

Do you expect to be playing this for years to come like D2 or are u waiting for the next thing like GW2 etc?


Your opinion is worthless....
OK, played the beta and thought the game was good, very polished, BUT it didn't grab me like D2 did.

Please be honest, 'cos I am really skint!

Do you think the game has the same addictiveness as D2, as in items, levels?

Do you expect to be playing this for years to come like D2 or are u waiting for the next thing like GW2 etc?

nope as I will be in this weekends GW2 beta :)

and in all honesty once an mmg begins it's more my ilk, enjoy D3 will max out characters but no rush and honestly loot never did hold that much interest to me :/


Professional Slacker
I like it and I believe it will get better as they make changes to it, much as D2 did.

If you were/are that into D2 and D2 is your benchmark I suspect you won't enjoy D3 as much. Despite the obvious similarities they are quite different.

I subscribed to WoW for a year so got a free copy but it seems to cost around �35 for D3. Apparently I've played some 168 hours so far which works out at less than 21p an hour - pretty good value IMO.


Full Member
I like it and I believe it will get better as they make changes to it, much as D2 did.

If you were/are that into D2 and D2 is your benchmark I suspect you won't enjoy D3 as much. Despite the obvious similarities they are quite different.

I subscribed to WoW for a year so got a free copy but it seems to cost around �35 for D3. Apparently I've played some 168 hours so far which works out at less than 21p an hour - pretty good value IMO.

Played the closed beta, but it felt underwhelming, but most of u here said it really took off once u left the beta area?

Why won't it compare to the D2 addictive benchmark? Moore infos plz.

Aggy explain....or anyone else?


Full Member
its not the same game as diablo 2, if you're going to compare diablo 2 and diablo 3, there will be big differences, some feel they are worse, but I dunno, its just different.

Alot of things have been simplified, such as you don't assign stats anymore, you can only use 6 skills at once, you have runes that can change a skill slightly, which does make for a few combinations that are useful.

Theres health globes that drop randomly from monsters, it changes the general tactics of battle quite massively. My wizard got extra arcane power and health from the globes, so playing on HC, it was sometimes prudent to go straight through mobs, to get the globe and escape.

Also, its in line with the likes of current FPS's in relation to regen speeds. Mana regens incredibly quick, and health globes make HP go up quite quickly.

Also, skills are a big mix of defensive and offensive skills. Much more than Diablo 2. When I'm on HC, my wizard has 4 defensive abilities, and 2 attacking (1 AoE, 1 Single target) to me, it feels more tactical, I find myself kiting much more and really paying attention to where I'm running. Although from what I read, most people say its too simple. I dunno.

Oh and items, you get alot of them, the AH has made trading so much easier, so 99% of stuff that drops is worthless now. Aparently the softcore AH is silly, you get loads of items for cheap. HC is a bit more stable, since people die and items dissapear.

TL;DR - Its a different game, it make look the same, but it feels very different. Different isn't bad though :)


Cartwheel RIGHT
Regarding the difficulty curve:
D2 / established game players all claim it's too easy.
My GF is dying all over the shop on it, but has never played a Diablo game before... and proudly explained her new tactic the other day of "droping caltrops and running backwards then shooting". Bless. Normal is really for beginners.
I found nightmare reasonably challenging as an untwinked barb, and hell is punching my face in even after dropping 300k on new gear.

If Normal is too easy though, pay HC. I hear even the Skellington King is tricksy on HC, as dying is plain embarrassing.


Full Member
I�m afraid I have been totally underwhelmed by it. I think there are a number of much better dungeon crawlers out there, and I�m looking forward to Torchlight 2 when it�s released. You can pick it up on Steam for a �14.99 pre-order.

Re D3: I think a number of changes that have been made are not to my taste, other changes have been ill-conceived, and other parts of the game are just broken. There are a lot of people concerned about the state of the game on the forums. Personally, I gave up on D3 after launch weekend, and I don�t think it�s good value for money. This is a shame, because I was looking forward to it, and before release had anticipated that I would be playing for a long time.

This is a useful review: http://www.amazon.com/review/R9BKJREDP6AH3/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R9BKJREDP6AH3

Having said that, everyone on ClanUK seems to be enjoying it, so if you want a game to play with people here, then it may still be right for you. I just couldn�t anything out of it sadly.


Cartwheel RIGHT
from the reddit AMA regarding gear and drop rates, far more enlightening to me than the constant forum tears of "i've played for 100 hours and don't have the best gear yet".

As mentioned in a different thread, the drop rates were carefully tuned for a single player playing through from 1 to 60 without ever using the AH.
All of our items are randomly generated, and so follow a distribution curve in power. Let's say for the sake of argument that you were to somehow distill an item down to it's "power level" and created a distribution graph of drop rate vs. power level. This graph would probably be normally distributed with outliers at high power levels dropping at a lower rate.
Looking at this graph, an average item drops every 5 minutes, a higher power item drops every 15 minutes, even higher power drops every hour. etc. As you move up the curve to ever more powerful items, the amount of time it takes to find such an item increases. This is what makes certain items more desirable, this is how things worked in D2.
What happens for a standard player who is playing solo when they first hit level 60 is they see an item upgrade every 30 minutes or so. Pretty quickly it becomes every hour, then every 2 hours. The higher the power level of your gear, the longer it takes to find your next upgrade, that's just the underlying math of this distribution. It's not really anything we set either. If we magically made all drops rates 10x higher, all it would do is shift the power curve left or right, it would not change the fundamental property that the higher up in power you go, the longer (statistically) it is going to take until you find your next drop.
So then let's say you visit the Auction House and get infusion of power that hurls you forward on that power curve. So whereas at one point your gear may be at a point that you are statistically speaking probably going to get an upgrade every 2 hours. After visiting the Auction House you hurl yourself forward on the power curve so far that now you are statistically going to get a drop every 8 hours.
To further illustrate the point, let's talk about the coming changes in 1.0.3. In 1.0.3 we're going to start dropping level 63 items in Act I of Inferno. We're also reducing incoming damage. What do I expect to happen? I expect that there will be a rapid increase in power across the entire community as all of these items become more widely accessible. It's like we took the distribution curve of items and made everything drop more. That item that used to take 10 hours to find is now a 2 hour item. An item that used to be a 2 day item is now an 8 hour item. After the initial frenzy of power increase, things are just going to settle again. People who think drop rates are too low now will probably still think drop rates are too low a week later when they move to the new point on the curve. I've spent a long time on this question so I'm going to move on but hopefully somebody who gets what I'm saying will be able to expand on it more, maybe draw some graphs to better illustrate the point.
tl;dr we could make drops 100x what they are now and it would just cause everybody to settle at a new equilibrium point. Anything you can farm in a few hours you'll already have, anything that takes longer you'll wish you could get faster.

As for the "official Forums". if anyone ever paid serious attention to them, no games would ever be purchased, or even developed.


Your opinion is worthless....
from the reddit AMA regarding gear and drop rates, far more enlightening to me than the constant forum tears of "i've played for 100 hours and don't have the best gear yet".

As for the "official Forums". if anyone ever paid serious attention to them, no games would ever be purchased, or even developed.

having read some of the reviews on amazon, not being a hardcore D2 player, i played i maxxed but didn't carry on playing because repetition killing mobs to me isnt that much fun, I am enjoying D3 for what is a mob killing fest where you upgrade as you go along, but it seems the main gripe to me is people can't automatically go i r uber with phat lootz and the bestest dpz! what amazes me is i reckon 90% of them are also WoW players, finally realising after x years they were truly mugged off >.<

once I hit 60 i will no doubt try another class, but i knew when paying for this game that it's longevity is purely in friends i play with, and how much fun the odd run will be, it's never been anything else, D1 was totally different because at the time it was original and getting to the end was brilliant bit like UO was for an MMG.

in all honesty i can't see the problem it's very much a rehash of the previous versions, except this Blizzard isn't the same Blizzard who brought you D1, now it's all about the money they can wring out of their customers on top of just the initial price of the game....


Full Member
Hmm interestuing stuff there.

Question - can you progress toons like in D2 without using the AH?

Or does it look like the RMAH is a must to get decent enough gear to progress?

I loved finding good stuff and upgrading as I went.

Oh and let me ask another Q - I played beta. How much does the game change/open up once u get out of the starter zone?

I expect I will get D3, but I'd like it to have the longevity of D2 for me and items to try and find. I didn't mind the new tweaks to the clas skill system and thought it was very flexible and well thought out.


Rogue Chimp
Re the AH. I think you definately can progress but i suspect people are not taking time to replay parts of the game to get drops good enough for the next section.

ive resorted to using the AH to get some bits and have sold a legendary item as well (already had a better version) but im tempted to play a monk through without resorting to the AH at all and seeing how far i can get


Full Member
Replaying areas is fine for hunting down items, so no issue with that.

Popped into Game today, thinking I would find D3 cheaper than Gamestation who are selling it for �45!!

Game told me they are no longer stocking hard copies of D3 as head office said too many had been returned after launch due to people not being able to get online to actually play. Not a good bit of PR there!

I will hold off until I can get it much cheaper than �45 I think.


Cartwheel RIGHT
at some point in the AMA the lead dev admits that they borked up the item drops.
First play through on normal, all mini+EOL bosses drop 2 rares.
Unfortunately, until you reach 60 and get NV stacks (explained below) from there on in, there are no guaranteed yellow drops.

Their design philosophy was - they want people to do more than do Baal runs, so you clear a whole area of Elites (each one gives you a +MF buff that lasts for 30 minutes, maxing at 5) then go and nail a boss to get the drops.

But: this strands people in nightmare and hell with crappy boss drops, plus the iLvl of dropping items is too low in inferno. They are fixing both of these in 1.0.3 (next week).