Guld Wars 2


Rogue Chimp
i have really not got into this at all. Not sure if its race (the tree people) or class (engineer) but the story and PvE has not grabbed me at all - I think the TSW story has grabbed me more than the setting of GW2.

That said given its F2P its worth having as a fall back to see if i can get into it more.

Oh ive also had someone trying to reset my account password too, so be aware of this, fortunately email comes to your registered email address with a link you need to click if you want to go ahead, which you can just ignore.


Dead Again, I need a Rez
So what class should i play? I like to get up close and hit stuff, but i like a bit of healing which is why I loved the Disciple of Khaine or Warrior Priest in WAR


Full Member
Warriors or guardians are on offer.

Warriors use any weapon and hit stuff, have party things which help like banners that improve stats, guardians hit stuff and have party perks too, but don't know much about them yet.

I've gone warrior and having fun.

Oh and everyone can heal m8.


Full Member
No demo as far as I know Cull, but do what I did and watch a few playthroughs on youtube and other googled places.

My thoughts are simply, even if I'm not totally hooked, it has no monthly sub, so worth a look.

I am liking it so far myself and tried pvp for a match to see....mad mad! I didn't realise that the pvp weapons stay with u when u leave the pvp place....grrr need more bags now! lol.


Full Member
Swither, where did you get it from? All the download sites seem to be sold out atm :(

Seems they have stopped downloads for now until servers etc sorted.

I got mine from a Game shop and it was cheaper than the Game website for once! It was �40 in the shop.

My id thing is Swither.3541 but only lvl12 and exploring the pve bits mainly for now.


Cartwheel RIGHT
Dart - i can really reccomend a Guardian. You can swap between 2h ownage and mace/shield healtanking and a few other weapon sets. They rule for PvE and demolish people PvP while being very survivable, with good button mashing skills. That said, all classes have a heal, so it's really focused around keeping yourself alive through good defensive work than relying on a priest

We did 6 hours of WvWvW today - got 5 levels, about 10k karma, just under 1g and almost 400 kills. SO MUCH FUN. Total domination....


Your opinion is worthless....
seems Piken Square is a proper underdog server lol, i spent a couple of hours just in wvw and it was back and forth against the other two servers constantly, we really don't have the numbers lol, but a bloody good couple of hours 2 levels and not sure how much of anything else ;-)

all in all I would hate to be on one of the top pvp servers, the queues must be a fooking nightmare, also found a decent UK led guild we even had a group going out, twas a laugh.

all in all loving the thief, you can't stand around due to being squishy, but you can switch from stabby stabby, to pulling out 2 pistols and shotting people in the facez!

PS Zed you should try Norn that's my fave zone in all honesty just like Midgard, as for Engi i have a level 16 one and they are interesting.


Cartwheel RIGHT
We have been in a similar situation Git on Ruins of Sumeria. For the first 2 weeks our switch was bust, and we were up against 2 mad zerg servers who ran 24x7 Dolyiak escorts farming karma like naughty people.

now it's 20-30 of us vs 50 random pug's on terrible servers, decimating them. Whether everyone ion those servers has come in straight from lvl 5 i'm not sure, but most of us higher levels are comfortably able to win 2-1/3-1 fights, or simply drop 5 warrior/guardians into a group of 20 and decimate the lot.

I can't wait for RoS vs Pikey Square :)

ION: Trades still mostly down, but guild appears fixed. Servers still creaking and 30/45 minute queues for 3W. Ho Hum. Just dinged 58. All i need now is some more mats for 60 armour and we are good.


Your opinion is worthless....
Jesus level 58, fuck me that's old school I have a a16 and a 20 lol, in all honesty i am soloing as no one seems to group in pve, but in wvw getting a group is easy in my guild, our first server mix was against one of the really big pvp servers, we have sat in second place vs them, this time round it's a bit more evenly matched, still have one power server in the mix but that's the fun part lol.

I need mats full stop for anything above level 16 haha, finding mats seems to be the hard part but heyho, as for the queues 15 mins max so far so cant complain as I just go do something while waiting, all in all it's a decent game so far, more levels under my belt and the trade post actually working wound be nice!


Cartwheel RIGHT
I was injured all of last week, unable to walk or leave my house.
It was tough man, real tough.

Oh except for being in agonising pain / wired on painkillers & Anti-histamines. that dreamy, grindy, 1000 yard stare \o/

Mat requirements re tiered as i'm sure you've seen, so for the first tier (eg 0-25, 75-100)you need 3 common mat 'additions', for 25-50, 100-125 etc you need 5 rarer ones, and the tricksy one (50-75, 125-150 etc) 8 of either. Finding good places to grind is essential, eg a valley where you can get lvl50 blood/scales/fangs..... Usign crafting XP boosters for these levels is very useful if you get lucky enough to open a chain of Chests.

To get cheap lowbie cloth / leather, make a lvl1 alt, give it 30silver and send it to a capital to buy lvl5 cloth armour, then salvage them all with the basic salvage kits.

Generally with salvage, I only bother with cloth drops, and vendor everything else. there is plenty of ore around for heavy armour manufacturing, but cloth is a dick to get hold of, and I need the moneys!


Full Member
I've been playing this over the weekend, I am actually on Piken Square server too - picked at random. My character is called 'Oildcharmer' and my account is Soupytwist.(insert numbers) if anyone wants to say Hi! I'm playing a Plant Dude Mesmer I think i'm level 15 now, it's all extremely new to me as i've barely played an MMO before - but I'm loving it so far and I haven't even touched the PvP side yet!

Need more bank space!


Your opinion is worthless....
I was injured all of last week, unable to walk or leave my house.
It was tough man, real tough.

Oh except for being in agonising pain / wired on painkillers & Anti-histamines. that dreamy, grindy, 1000 yard stare \o/

Mat requirements re tiered as i'm sure you've seen, so for the first tier (eg 0-25, 75-100)you need 3 common mat 'additions', for 25-50, 100-125 etc you need 5 rarer ones, and the tricksy one (50-75, 125-150 etc) 8 of either. Finding good places to grind is essential, eg a valley where you can get lvl50 blood/scales/fangs..... Usign crafting XP boosters for these levels is very useful if you get lucky enough to open a chain of Chests.

To get cheap lowbie cloth / leather, make a lvl1 alt, give it 30silver and send it to a capital to buy lvl5 cloth armour, then salvage them all with the basic salvage kits.

Generally with salvage, I only bother with cloth drops, and vendor everything else. there is plenty of ore around for heavy armour manufacturing, but cloth is a dick to get hold of, and I need the moneys!

yes i bet you were really suffering, from RSI lol :)

I will do that with the alt sounds like a bloody good idea, i mainly need leather/jute to make thief his gear and a decent website telling you the recipes which I can't be fooked to discover haha, in all honesty most of my drops are better than most of the stuff I can currently make, so hoping it does improve.


Cartwheel RIGHT
I'd post you all my spare leather but you are on a fail server.

Crafted stuff is generally better than drops, but of course, if you save up 4 average drops and mystic forge them, you may get one good item ^^


Your opinion is worthless....
I'd post you all my spare leather but you are on a fail server.

Crafted stuff is generally better than drops, but of course, if you save up 4 average drops and mystic forge them, you may get one good item ^^

strangely enough server choice of Medi, not myself if it carries on in it's failsauce ways I might pay to desert :hubba:


Full Member
On Pikey square too, but not tried WvW yet only pvp. I take it u go to WvW through lions arch?

Crafting is slow I've found (doing armourer and weapons) so far only made insignias and I'm so glad I found out that I can just send mat directly to the bank :)

Enjoying the pve and just completed the main starting zone's achievements for vistas, trait points and quest hearts. Only lvl14 on a warrior.

Cracking game so far.


Cartwheel RIGHT
I would seriously reccomend focussing on one or the other of those, rather than trying to both at the same time. Getting the "special" mats for both is nigh on impossible without farming full time rather than simply playing the game.