important vote needed


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  • Poll closed .


Full Member
Zerine said:
Anyone else find this ironic?

if you mean because an x gm left due to having the idea of merging but was told the only way forward is recruitment and alliances... then ironic is one word for it sure.

I think it's a good thing though and wish those who go all the best.. have fun :)


Full Member
ive voted yes to swapping as well but am leaving alts on CUK as i like the monikor lol
hope to see u all around n hopefully in some end game instances


The Nice Chimp
Zerine said:
Anyone else find this ironic?

no i find it sad. very sad in fact

we never really got over the big split, after that we slowly but steady lossed people due them leaving the game for various reasons, and leaving the guild.

i would say that if all the people who currently are in clanuk could stay and get access to the new content that blizzard has added. they would. but blizzard have added little content that smaller guilds can access. indeed with there latest inst (naxxs) they even making the new content inaccessible to the medium size guilds

you do realize that when we move to sps that the end of the LAST active clanuk guild, also that it unlikely that we ever have a large active guild in any game again due to so many people having "personal differences" with other in the guild

so it a sad sad day for me


Full of PvP Goodness
think its funny specialy as they halfing all the raid dungons and we wont need a bigger guild..........................


The Nice Chimp
or that they execpt us to pay our account for another 6 months till the addon is out. just we we can do 2 maby 3 more inst, or up to 3or more years for them to lower the number of people need to do aq40,naxx or any of the other 40 man inst to a point were 5 man team can do it.

or we can all go join a larger guild and injoy the content NOW


Full Member
I don't play, but of all the things that have happened the move to SPS is the first time Talili and I have felt the urge to come back to WoW since the split, they are a great bunch of people and everyone should have fun there.


Ranger of the North
There are some things I don't get about whats happening in the CUK guild. Not the big split but more in the last 12 months or so.

Whenever raiding is mentioned people will state the now generic response of not enough peeps because of the big boom. The fact is is that in the more recent past, even after the big split, we have had enough. I remember evenings where we had more than 20 folks on and nearly all were 60's or were 60's playing alts. The problem was the fact that people didn't want to do it. They were always washing their hair or whatever.

Look at the voting at the top. There are 30 votes. If you take out the people who have moved their mains to other guilds already (who's votes surely don't count) and people not currently active, thats still a fair bit more than 20 people.

So we have 20+ people wanting to move to do, at first anyway, 5,10 and 20 man content. It just dosen't make sense to me. In the long term sure its great as we can do the big stuff but the question is, why do people really want to move when we have enough active players?

The other problem we have is that we don't have a Raid Leader like Renerie to encourage and get people to do raids. There's no one pushing, even if its only gently and when there was, people didn't take kindly to it.

On the SPS side of things. At the moment they seem to have more than enough 60's for the content they are doing. I'm sure that dosen't mean that us CUK lot won't get a chance, but if we move 20+ peeps over, there will be a fair number of CUK peeps sitting around still doing whatever they are doing now on raid nights. Sure we can arrange our own 5-10 man or whatever, but we are not doing that now, so whats the difference?

What I'm trying to say is that what is going to be different when we move? It almost seems as though we are moving because as a group of people we are not capable or organising raids ourselves, so we need someone to organise raids for us.

I'm not against the merger, SPS seem like a super bunch of people, and I'm sure they'll be very accomodating to us and in the long run it will be beneficial to all. I just don't get the situation with our guild and why we have to merge with another guild to do stuff that we are capable of doing ourselves.


Full Member
Treebeard said:
in the long run it will be beneficial to all

if that's the case, why wouldn't we? devils advocate.

i just want a guild with simpler loot rules.


Full Member
hehe, yes, we seem to be borrowing the sps ones.

they're complicated enough that in ZG last night even the other 17 sps folks were rolling incorrectly. my excuse was i've never seen a coin or a bijou before, or been to ZG.

i can understand the "pass on blues, sort it out after" thing, but all this "roll on greens until you get one, then pass" just complicates it horribly. it's orders of magnitude worse with coins and bijous of multiple types and colours, and greens AND blues. no wonder folks get confused. the game has random numbers for this sort of thing, it was designed that way.

the good thing about the SPS group is that they vault the boe class specifics, recipes and books etc. for other guildies.


Cartwheel RIGHT

If you ahve 20 ppl capable fo raiding Mc, adn anotehr 20 people join, guess what you do:

Either: Run 2 groups.

or Run a group to AQ and a group to ZG (Note: AQ20 is imho significantly harder than ZG, probably harder than Pre-Majordomo MC)

or maybe go to MC. (not to mention better for loot)

or... jsut let people have the odd night off. One of the problems faced is often that members of a rare class (eg priests) are almost guilt-tripped into being online all the time, hence burnout.

One the upside though, when you do burnout, you have tons of Epix and can e-bay your character for loads.

The way PG got round though, the ZG problem, was with a rota. We ahve 60+ active raiders, so anything organised in advance is handled by the officers on some bizzare system that I don't understand. It's more work for them, but is fair.

Finally: stuff like coins & Bijou's - it;s probably worth banking them too, ratehr than spereading them out, so people whoa re going for rep / ZG class armour, can request bits from the bank. not everyone needs it, or wants it.

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Ranger of the North
Either: Run 2 groups.

or Run a group to AQ and a group to ZG

Well logically mate aye thats what would happen but what I am saying is is that we haven't done that up til now, so why will it be different for people when we move to SPS?

I voted yes for the move and this is nothing against SPS. Its just about us and why we have gotten to a stage where we are moving to do stuff we have been capable of doing ourselves for a while if numbers above are anything to go by.


Full Member
prob with zg m8 is we have genreic loot rolls for every raid/grp then on top of that theres zone specific rules.

the coins and bijous for example now are faction only where before they were used in armor quests.

most peeps get it right majority of mistakes are peeps jsut not paying attenion or clicking greed/need by mistake mid battle. once u get used to it it kinda just clicks.

also to treebeard would like to put out about 5months ago sps was in simalar sitution as cuk but we had a raid leader capable of orangiseing it. alot of the times we had to bring in guests btone for one example guested with us alot and was happy with the sitution but as we growing bigger (aiming for mc etc) we can rarely if ever give guests spots again which removes some of cuks chances at raiding.

i've been watching cuk boards closey as you are my guild even if i'm playing in sps seen peeps trying to orangise stuff and it not happening as peeps dont wanna do it or arnt able to be there for night. i honestly cant blame them for wanting to merge weres theres the chance of raiding. Rens alrdy layed plans down to hopefully on weekend to give everyone a chance for a raid type encounter 10 or 20 man.

seems to me over the years cuk has split out over the areas createing new friends outside of cuk and ending up gaming with them, or just because when we all seem to get together fights just break out and guild ends up spliting up. fair play to everyone thats kept cuk going so long in wow after losing so meny peeps can remember alot of nights when cuk had more peeps online than sps but that seemed to drop off as peeps got bored with playing alts or not being able to do 5 mans.

sps may not be the sultion to everyone problems but could help peeps find some more fun in wow again. if nothing else our guild chat is alot more livlyer these days so can atleast just chat away :)


On The Move
we dont have enough active players though tree, we can cobble together 5 man runs a lot, but never really anymore than that! we could never even get a full 10 man CUK run to BRS we had to get others in to help. We may have 20 lvl 60 people voting but due to work etc rarely is there more than 7 lvl 60s on at one time.

We tried to do some bigger stuff up to ubrs but even that only happened a couple of times.

I too am very sad to leave the CUK name behind, been playing games for god knows how long, and CUK was the first guild i joined back in UO and I aint been in another since.

and as for the generic response about the split, dont think ive heard it mentioned in months and months, maybe in jest but never as an excuse, our problem is people do other things other than raid in WOW=) and I see that as a good thing=)


Full Member
Yardos said:
once u get used to it it kinda just clicks

or not, hehe, as evidenced last night. were you the "one person rolling correctly" that ren mentioned? :)

how come you don't just vault all the coins like chick suggested? if not everyone needs the faction, those that do would get there all the quicker if you did. not judging, just curious, never having had any zandalar faction to speak of!


Full Member
the other thing i saw that i thought was good was they gave the bop stuff no-one wanted to the chanters to smash for shards. ok, i'm a chanter so i'm biased, but still.


the "only one person should have rolled" was written wrong as i was trying to communicate in several diff channels at one as well as tells and Raid chat. it should have been "only one person shouldnt have rolled" so saying that how can it have been difficult if only 1 person rolled incorrctly.
Come on its not hard. Roll on a bijou of any type till u get 1 then pass all others. How is that hard? Do u not see what a bijou is when it flash's up "red Bijou"?. Basically if 1 is in ur bag then pass ALL others.

And with the coins its exactly the same. If 1 is in ur bag u pass all others of that type. Come on peeps really its not hard. The problem last night bunty wasnt peeps rolling by mistake it was the looting during battle. I will not have peeps riffaling through bodies when the rest of us are still fighting. And thats what causes the mistakes when there are any, peeps just pressing anything to get the flash up off there screen while there still fighting. Theres no excuse for it as everyone should have CTriad and should be using MA.

the coins aint vaulted cause i have enought to do already and peeps who dont need the faction pass on them, as there purly for faction. we are a trusting guild and i trust all of sps completely to abide by the loot rules without me watching like a hawk.

theres no problem with certain classes being guilt tripped into raiding as we have to many peeps for our raids anyway, and i am currenlt laying plans to sort out raids for the peeps overbooked to. so burnout is not a problem as peeps dont 'have' to come, they come only if the 'want' to. and the peeps who have overbooked dont need to worry because i already have plans to sort a raid for them to dependijng on number of peeps, so no-one will be left hanging once to sort something themselves i am already handling it.