Is WotLK Too Easy.


Full Member
Just out of interest what time do you all usually raid? I'm currently in a casual raiding guild that is falling apart (our main raiding party has just moved over to another guild called Devotion on Terenas) but they anoyingly set raid times between 19:00 and 20:00 server time which is too early for me apart from weekends. Pug raids, while amusing, just fall apart as the night goes on...


Cartwheel RIGHT
I'm hoping that the learning curve gets a lot better than this because everyone is steamrollering the content and then it's just a race for the achievements which is bollocks.

Where is the hours of wiping on Illidan and stocking up on resistance shit for mother shiraz and stuff. the whole lot has now been dumbed down and it's like hmmmm....

Only 2 problems with this really:
Firstly - Resistnce fights are bullshit. There is nothing fun with runnign shitty instances 1000 times to get enough resistance for the whole raid to be able to kill one boss, then you never use it again. it's just as much artificial cockblock as any of the modern ones.

Secondly - Have you killed alagon? If not, you've obviously not spent hours and hours wiping on content have you - you have been facerolling easy content whilst complaining it's too easy, rather than wiping on hard stuff and impoving.

Arena will get harder. It's piss easy, especially 10 man, for people with good slillz. The hardmodes are where the fun begins as usual.

I'm interested in the new boss tonight though, second boss was harder than first set, though we still 1-shot him 10-man after reading tactics for 5 minutes....


Full Member
TBC had the best PvE endgame. Fun raid (kara) for people who are classed as Casual players, and still with enough challenge to require skill (unlike Naxx) then and lots of progressively harder raiders for people who are 'hardcore' raiders. They also 'nerfed' Gruuls and Maggies opening then up for casual players after a while with later patches. And of course Heroic Dungeons actually offered a level of challenge in TBC.
Endgame on WotLK is just mostly boring, and this achievement crap isn't 'hard' content. Classes have also lost their identy there are 3 classes now Tank, Healer and DPS.
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On The Move
Quick question on algalon. we are facing vezax for the first time tonight and hope to peek at yogg saron but i guess progress is hardmodes then algalon.

to activate algalon do you have to complete all hard modes required in that lockout or do you need to do them once per char? and the fact you have done them gets saved to your char.

we activated some hardmodes by accident and they dont seem too troublesome



Cartwheel RIGHT
You only need to do 5. Out of interest, which have you done by accident?

Assembly of Iron either Medium or Hard mode gives you a Archivum Data disk QuestItem (one per kill). This unlocks 4 quests when handed into BRann behind the Assembly's room.
The 4 Quests are for 4 Sigils, from the 4 Keepers. You have to then do:
- 3 Minute Hodir Kill (I said that cache was rare)
- Thorim + Sif KIll (Use Your Illusion)
- Freya+3 (Knock, Knock, Knock on wood)
- Mimiron HM (Firefighter)

As for difficulty - it varies from guild to guild, but hodir/thorim are the easy ones, freya is hard, and mimron is well hard.

Once you have done these, i believe you get another item / quest to kill Alagon in an hour. Not really sure as we've still not got Mimiron/Firefighter, though hopefully he'll drop this week. It's by far my favourite encounter in the history of Warcraft. At the end of last week's attempts (about 10 hours total on him over 3 weeks) we can pretty much get to Phase4 regularly.

You can do this on consecutive weeks btw. Once you have the kill, you loot the sigil and you are done with that quest part. You only need 1 person who has doen all 4 top open Alagon's door and start the timer (or however it works) but of course, once you've done them once, you can do them more.

on a side note, i've come to the realisation that: I wish the Colosseum was interesting, but it's just not. Static Fights. No change of zone. No Trash. Just 3 piss easy boss fights (ohh, 4 now - wooo) and that retarded emblem system.


On The Move
So maybe an EoE type thing only one person needs attuning?

we accidentily almost did thorim, activated sif and the other healer DCd but i kept everyone up for a fair bit, was with some noobs that night too whos first time in ulduar but with our proper raiding group i expect we would have done it

and yeah ulduar > colosium, we have done all bosses so far with maybe 4 wipes on champions before we did them, its easystreet to prepare for icecrown i suspect



On The Move
Well we got him on our 7th attempt, they got progressively better and last few wipes were due to missing interrupts on his searing flame. On the go we did it we pretty much 2 man healed it as our 3rd healer died straight away like a eejit. warrior MT with our paladin OT going DPS spec, rotating CDs and using hand of sacrafice we only had to kite once, was a good fight and fairly simple once you get to grips with it.

Got to yogg-saron and got onto second phase a few times but was a bit messy. Called it when we had all used our 150g guild repairs :)

so your good luck worked corwin!!!



Cartwheel RIGHT
A small gang of monkeys finally managed to kill Mimiron last night after pressing the big, red "DO NOT PUSH" button. It's only taken us, I think, around 2 months of work. Messing around with different DPS and healer lineups, Tanking Strategies, etc.

And of course, just plain old practice.

I always loved the Mimiron encounter but the Emergency Self Destruct mode, or whatever you wish to call it, is by far the coolest, most entertaining and challenging fight in Ulduar. Allegedly it's the hardest outside of Yogg+0 though that's still a way off.

It seems we are now effectively 2 kills from the Rusty Proto-Drake. That and Algalon will keep us busy for a while.

ION the new Arena bosses continue to be woefully under-tuned. 2-shot the Valkyrs whilst we were still "arguing" on vent about tactics. Sad. The mechanics look pretty cool, but there is no penalty for just ignoring them and burning through the various phases.
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