Is WotLK Too Easy.


Cartwheel RIGHT
No. Not even close.
Chick said:
For example (massively reduced version:)

Raid #37. Armour List:
1. Janie
2. Gottaa
3. Chick
4. Zeus
Raid Attendees: Janie, Chick, Zeus.

Armour drops. Janie Bids and wins.
The list now looks like this:
1. Chick
2. Gottaa
3. Zeus
4. Janie


Full Member
I personally prefer the systems where loot has assigned values rather than people bidding for them.
Yeah, I'm not sure I like Chick's version. If you raid a lot without getting any loot, but take a break, you'll move down the list. Sure, you want to encourage people to turn up all the time to raids, but that doesn't mean they didn't put the hard work in earlier without and reward.

Also what about if someone raids for ages without getting any armour. When he finally gets something, he's in the same position as someone who had been getting upgrades every week.

It seems most beneficial to people who raid most often (woo!) and who pick up gear most regularly (boo!).
The only benefit to it I can see is that it disencourages DKP hoarding to get an ego item.


Full Member
You automatically move up when someone above you suicides, if you were in teh raid where they suicided.
So why did Chick move up then ?

I did read the link but what your saying seems to be some additional rules beyond what the main thing covered
Oh wait, I misread. So you keep your position if you're absent? People just move up and down around you?

Gottaa - because Chick was in the raid but didn't buy any loot. Janie did, so he moves up while Janie moves to the bottom of the list.


Full Member
Gottaa - because Chick was in the raid but didn't buy any loot. Janie did, so he moves up while Janie moves to the bottom of the list.

I think Gottaa means why did Chick jump ahead of Gottaa in the example. I just presumed it was because Chick was the raid leader and therfore wanted all the best loot for himself, and fudged the system :)
Still I got my armour so I don't care......wait what do you mean you 'accidently' gave the armour to yourself!
Chick = Ninja and i'm off to find some pirates to kick his rogue butt.


Full Member
I think Gottaa means why did Chick jump ahead of Gottaa in the example.

as chick had already explained, it was because Gottaa wasnt in the raid, and thus his position remained static, while people moved around him.

honestly, if people can't understand this, what chance do they have at heroic firefighter? :p

PS. we don't use DKP at all, we discuss it amongst the people present that want the item, and if a decision can't be reached (normally because i completely reasonably want the loot and passed quite recently i'm sure, and everyone else are lootwhoring bastards, that never ever pass for anybody, the theiving sods.) we pass it up to a loot council for consideration. upgrades are based on a mix of biggest upgrade and attendance. Mainspec normally has priority over offspec/alts, but it depends on the circumstances.
People often say "the problem with this system is that you get favoritism, and people who are liked more get more loot!"- To which I say "i thought you said 'problem'?" :p.


Full Member
as chick had already explained, it was because Gottaa wasnt in the raid.

Oh so Chick 'the raid leader' didn't pick Gottaa 'the guy 1 place above him on the priority loot list' for the raid :p
He a devious one that Chick is. No wonder he has 3 top weapons and the rest of the raid rogues are armed with Ced's Carver.


Full Member
Exactly Janie, I was busy playing Monster Hunter so wasn't wording it correctly. Chick said about suicides thing:

You automatically move up when someone above you suicides

Which I took to mean attenance because Chick had moved up while Gottaa (who didn't attend) hadn't.

I'm sure it's a really simple system but someone that uses it seems to be struggling ;) j/k

Zeus: That's the best system there is as far as I'm concerned, you do though need the loot/raid council for the idiots who use and abuse the system


Cartwheel RIGHT
I clearly need the loot.

I'm sure it's a really simple system but someone that uses it seems to be struggling j/k
I've an addon to do it all for me.
Stabilizers ftw :p
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Full Member
Oh so Chick 'the raid leader' didn't pick Gottaa 'the guy 1 place above him on the priority loot list' for the raid :p
He a devious one that Chick is. No wonder he has 3 top weapons and the rest of the raid rogues are armed with Ced's Carver.

whats the point in being raid leader if you can't not take along people that compete for your loot?

Currently I tend to get lots of t8.25 gear, as in a 25 man raid we typical have 1-2 warriors (one of which is me), 1 shaman, and 1-2 hunters. so we have 3-5 people competing for our tier items, while everyone else has like 10-12 :p


We use the Bidder and DKPMon addons (fixed cost, zero sum dkp) which makes it very quick to get loot distributed and get on with the fight. People just get to click if they need stuff from a pop up and the loot master gets a nice list ordered by DKP to hand it out from. Saves so much messing around.

As for raider versus casual, it comes down to performance, just put 2 guys with the same gear in the same raid ... the one who does 2k more DPS is the raider, the other guy is the casual. That's how we work it out anyway :p


Cartwheel RIGHT
lol IceBurn!

1-shot yogg last night with no deaths.
Hello "Champion of Ulduar" achievement.

This week though, it's back to slamming our faces into the fire of Mimiron/Firefighter. Hopefully we can get some decent AoE healers lined up as it's practically impossible with 2 loladinz :( Unfortunately all our bloody druids are on holiday, and the only healer shaman is a complete 'tard.

Looks like we are going to have to go with priests, and some Coh/PoH/Holy Nova spam.